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Search results for alpha,3385 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,3385
Translated headword: unwarlike
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] one who is not strong or knowledgeable in warfare.
"For he was unwarlike, and neither his feet nor his hands were fit because of the disease of gout."[1]
It is applied also to those who have no excuse for a war yet do what enemies do.[2]
Greek Original:*)apo/lemos: o( mh\ i)sxu/wn h)\ ei)dw\s polemei=n. a)po/lemos ga\r h)=n, kai\ u(po\ no/sou poda/gras ou)/te oi( po/des ou)/te ai( xei=res e)tu/gxanon a)/rtioi. ti/qetai de\ kai\ e)pi\ tw=n mhdemi/an pro/fasin e)xo/ntwn pole/mou, drasa/ntwn de\ ta\ polemi/wn.
[1] Quotation (again at
alpha 4044) unidentifiable.
[2] This part of the entry is almost identical to
Synagoge (Codex B) alpha1879 and
Lexicon alpha2538. LSJ do not recognize this meaning for the headword.
Keywords: biography; definition; ethics; medicine; military affairs
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 10 February 2001@10:31:20.
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