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Search results for alpha,3375 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,3375
Translated headword: having intercepted
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning they] having cut off. "Having intercepted the army in the narrow and inaccessible groves they compelled them to come into shameful treaties."[1]
Josephus [writes]: "having pursued the enemy they intercept them in a ravine and kill them all."[2]
And elsewhere: "for the place was pleasing to both sides, to the one because it was where they had intercepted the Romans and released them under the terms of a treaty, [and hence the place served] as a sign of what services had been done."[3]
Greek Original:*)apolabo/ntes: e)napoklei/santes. oi( de\ th\n stratia\n au)lw=si stenoi=s kai\ dusembo/lois a)polabo/ntes e)s diallaga\s e)lqei=n ai)sxra\s h)na/gkasan. kai\ *)iw/shpos: diw/cantes a)polamba/nousi tou\s polemi/ous e)n koi/lw| xwri/w| kai\ pa/ntas ktei/nousi. kai\ au)=qis: to\ ga\r xwri/on a)mfote/rois h)/rese, tw=| me\n o(/ti a)polabo/ntes e)s au)to\ tou\s *(rwmai/ous u(pospo/ndous a)fh=kan, pro\s e)/ndeicin w(=n eu)erge/thnto.
The headword participle is perhaps (though not demonstrably) extracted from the first quotation given.
[1] Quotation (transmitted, in Adler's view, via the
Excerpta Constantini Porphyrogeniti) unidentifiable.
[2] Adler queried this attribution, but C. Theodoridis in his
Photius edition (vol.II p.LXXXVIII) identifies the passage in question as an approximation of
Antiquities of the Jews 5.227.
Cassius Dio 62.23.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 31 March 2001@12:48:16.
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