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Search results for alpha,3372 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,3372
Translated headword: to kill
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] to murder.
They say
a)pokti/nnusi rather than
Cratinus in
Herdsmen [writes]: "and shadow-boxing with the sky, he kills with his threats."[2]
Also [sc. the correct perfect is]
a)pekto/nasin ["they have killed"], not
a)pekta/gkasi. "O father, they hate Thrason, but they have not killed him."[3]
Greek Original:*)apoktinnu/nai: foneu=sai. *)apokti/nnusi le/gousi ma=llon h)\ a)poktinnu/ein. *krati=nos *bouko/lois. kai\ pro\s to\n ou)rano\n skiamaxw=n a)pokti/nnusi tai=s a)peilai=s. kai\ *)apekto/nasin, ou)k a)pekta/gkasi. misou=si me\n, w)= pa/ter, *qra/swna: a)pekta/gkasi d' ou)/.
See also
alpha 3371.
[1] Although an indicative is being preferred to an infinitive, the point must be that athematic forms of this verb are more Attic than thematic forms. Textual variants in the mss do not help to make the point clear.
Cratinus fr. 17 Kock, now 19 K.-A. The word used here is
skiamaxw=n, "fighting with shadows", that is, sparring with an imaginary opponent (cf.
sigma 598).
[3] A line from
Misoumenos; already at
alpha 3000.
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 24 February 2001@10:30:35.
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