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Adler number: alpha,3350
Translated headword: disenfranchised, disinherited, renounced
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning someone or something] alien.[1]
"One simply saying that the disenfranchised are worthless might seem to be saying that they are such of necessity; this indeed is not the case. For it is possible that someone who is not that sort of person has become disenfranchised. At any rate they say that
Themistocles became disenfranchised; he indeed was not worthless."[2]
Also [sc. attested is]
a)pokhru/ttontes ["they disenfranchising"], [meaning they] selling. Thus
Demosthenes and
Plato [sc. use the word].[3]
But others say that "alienated" [
e)kpoi/hton] differs from "disinherited" [
a)pokh/rukton], because someone disinherited is cast out as punishment, but someone alienated is publicly given by his natural father into a different household.[4]
Greek Original:*)apokh/rukton: a)llo/trion. o(/ti o( le/gwn tou\s a)pokhru/ktous fau/lous ei)=nai a(plw=s, do/cai a)\n le/gein e)c a)na/gkhs toiou/tous au)tou\s ei)=nai: ou) mh\n ou(/tws e)/xei. e)nde/xetai ga/r tina mh\ toiou=ton ei)=nai a)pokh/rukton geno/menon. *qemistokle/a gou=n a)pokh/rukto/n fasi gene/sqai: ou) mh\n fau=los h)=n. kai\ *)apokhru/ttontes, a)nti\ tou= pipra/skontes. ou(/tws *dhmosqe/nhs kai\ *pla/twn. oi( de/ fasi diafe/rein e)kpoi/hton a)pokhru/ktou, o(/ti o( me\n a)pokh/ruktos e)pi\ kola/sei e)kba/lletai, o( de\ e)kpoi/htos u(po\ tou= fu/sei patro\s ei)s e(/teron oi)=kon di/dotai proqe/sei.
[1] Likewise in other lexica. The literal meaning of the headword (here masculine accusative singular or neuter nominative/accusative singular; the former, if extracted from the quotation about to be given) is "expelled by the proclamation of a herald."
[2] Alexander of
Commentary on Aristotle's Topica 179.23-27 Wallies.
[3] From Harpokration s.v., who cites
Demosthenes 23.201 and quotes
Plato Comicus fr. 121 Kock (139 K-A).
[4] Quoted from
epsilon 600.
Keywords: biography; children; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; history; law; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 24 October 2001@15:50:18.
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