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Search results for alpha,3349 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,3349
Translated headword: having been careless
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Meaning [they] having been cowardly.[1]
Homer [sc. uses the word].[2] But in
Sophron [sc. it means] having been cowardly [and] having paid no heed.[3]
Also [sc. attested is]
a)pokhdh/sontai ["they will be careless"], [meaning] they will break off their grief.[4]
Greek Original:*)apokhdh/santes: a)nti\ tou= a)pokakh/santes. *(/omhros. para\ de\ *sw/froni a)pokakh/santes a)frontisth/santes. kai\ *)apokhdh/sontai, th\n lu/phn a)fairh/sontai.
[1] The headword is aorist active participle of
a)pokhde/w, masculine nominative plural. Same gloss in
Photius, similar in other lexica.
Iliad 23.413, where in fact the dual
a)pokhdh/sante occurs (web address 1 below).
Sophron [C5 BCE Syracusan writer of mimes:
sigma 893] fr. 78 Kaibel, now 142 K.-A.
[4] Future middle of the same verb, third person plural, quoted from an unknown source.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; ethics
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 13 February 2001@21:35:27.
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