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Search results for alpha,3321 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,3321
Translated headword: dying
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "[Dying] in wars I see those who set the greatest store by life, and living, everyone who has given up on life. And I myself will go into battle to die, and know that I will survive. For I am a Laconian by descent and I know what the authorities wrote to
Leonidas: let them go into battle so as to die and they will not die."[1]
Greek Original:*)apoqnh/skontas e)n pole/mois o(rw= tou\s peri\ plei/stou poioume/nous to\ zh=n, kai\ zw=ntas o(/soi tou= zh=n a)pegnw/kesan. ka)gw\ maxh/somai w(s a)poqanou/menos, kai\ oi)=d' o(/ti perie/somai. *la/kwn ga/r ei)mi a)/nwqen kai\ oi)=da th\n pro\s *lewni/dhn e)pistolh\n tw=n telw=n: maxe/sqwn w(s teqnaco/menoi, kai\ ou) teqna/contai.
The entire entry is a quotation from
Epistle 113 (an exercize in ancient history:
Synesius compares his situation to the battle of
Thermopylai, 480 BCE). Another excerpt from this letter appears at
eta 160.
[1] This last sentiment recurs at
mu 303.
Keywords: biography; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; history; military affairs; rhetoric
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 6 February 2001@07:49:09.
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