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Headword: *)apoqanei=n
Adler number: alpha,3311
Translated headword: to die
Vetting Status: high
"If someone should know the thing itself and by division of the concept resolve its associated ideas, no longer will it be supposed to be anything other than a process of nature. But if anyone fears a process of nature, he is a child. This however is not only a process of nature, but is also beneficial to nature. How does man have contact with god, and with what part of himself?"
Greek Original:
*)apoqanei=n: e)a/n tis au)to\ mo/non ei)dh=| kai\ tw=| merismw=| th=s e)nnoi/as dialu/sh| ta\ e)mfantazo/mena au)tw=|, ou)ke/ti a)/llo ti u(polh/yetai au)to\ ei)=nai h)\ fu/sews e)/rgon. fu/sews de\ e)/rgon ei)/ tis fobei=tai, paidi/on e)sti/. tou=to me/ntoi ou) mo/non fu/sews e)/rgon e)sti/n, a)lla\ kai\ sumfe/ron au)th=|: pw=s a(/ptetai qeou= a)/nqrwpos, kai\ kata\ ti/ e(autou= me/ros;
Marcus Aurelius, Meditations 2.12.1 (which begins with the question, omitted here, "what is death?").
Keywords: children; ethics; imagery; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 25 February 2001@14:12:59.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (Modified translation, added reference.) on 26 February 2001@00:55:23.
Catharine Roth (Modified translation.) on 26 February 2001@14:25:50.
David Whitehead (added note; cosmetics) on 20 August 2002@09:10:12.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 2 April 2012@07:14:34.
David Whitehead on 27 August 2015@11:02:00.


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