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Adler number: alpha,328
Translated headword: contest-judges
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Sophocles [writes]: "and lest any contest-judges or he who is my destroyer should give my arms to the Achaeans."[1]
Also [sc. attested is] a proverb: "a contest does not accept excuses."[2] It is applied to those who have not profited at all if they made excuses.
Also [sc. attested is] "a contest does not wait for a pretext."[3] The proverb [is used] in reference to those who are by nature lazy and neglectful; alternatively to those who do not believe the words of those making pretexts.
Greek Original:*)agwna/rxai: *sofoklh=s: kai\ ta)ma\ teu/xh mh/t' a)gwna/rxai tine\s qh/sous' *)axaioi=s mh/q' o( lumew\n e)mo/s. kai\ paroimi/a: *)agw\n ou) de/xetai skh/yeis. ta/ttetai e)pi\ tw=n mhde\n o)niname/nwn ei) skh/yainto. kai\ *)agw\n pro/fasin ou)k a)name/nei. h( paroimi/a e)pi\ tw=n fu/sei r(a|qu/mwn kai\ a)melw=n: h)\ e)pi\ tw=n mh\ prosieme/nwn tou\s lo/gous tw=n profasizome/nwn.
Ajax 572-3 (web address 1 below); again at
lambda 839.
[2] (Also in the paroemiographers, e.g.
Apostolius 1.25.) Possibly Contest, the divine personification of the
agon (cf.
Pausanias 5.26.3), though the apparently personifying language does not guarantee this. See further, next note.
[3] Used in
Cratylus 421D (where a scholiast cited
Aristophanes fr. 321 Kock as an earlier attestation of it) and
Laws 751D. Also in the paroemiographers, e.g. Gregorius 1.11.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: athletics; comedy; daily life; ethics; philosophy; proverbs; religion; tragedy
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 18 March 2001@14:50:17.
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