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Headword: *)/apnous
Adler number: alpha,3242
Translated headword: not breathing
Vetting Status: high
They say that Empedocles told [sc. his friend] Pausanias about the Non-Breather.[1] [He said that] the Non-Breather was someone who for 30 days kept his body without breath and without food. This man [Empedocles] was also a magician. And he says about himself: "You [who read this poem] shall learn whatever drugs are defense against evils and old age, since for you alone I shall accomplish all this. You shall stop the [strength] of restless winds, which arising on the earth lay waste to the fields with their blasts; and again, if you wish, you shall bring back winds in requital. You shall make after the black rain a seasonable [flow] drought for men,[2] and after the drought you shall cause tree-nourishing streams, and they will be in the summer.[3] You will bring back from Hades the strength of a dead man." And once when the Etesian winds[4] blew strongly, so as to damage the crops, having bidden donkeys to be skinned and bags to be made of their skins, he stretched them out on the hills and headlands to collect the wind. When the wind stopped, he was called 'Wind-stayer.'"[5]
Greek Original:
*)/apnous: fasi\n *)empedokle/a *pausani/a| u(fhgh/sasqai to\n *)/apnoun. ei)=nai de\ to\n *)/apnoun toiou=ton, w(s l# h(me/ras sunthrei=n a)/pnoun kai\ a)/siton to\ sw=ma. h)=n de\ ou(=tos kai\ go/hs. kai/ fhsi peri\ e(autou=: fa/rmaka d' o(/ssa gega=si kakw=n kai\ gh/raos a)/lkar peu/sh|, e)pei\ mou/nw| soi e)gw\ krane/w ta/de pa/nta. pau/seis d' a)kama/twn a)ne/mwn, oi(/ t' e)pi\ gai=an o)rnu/menoi pnoiai=si katafqinu/qousin a)/rouran: kai\ pa/lin, h)/n k' e)qe/lhsqa, pali/ntona pneu/mat' e)pa/ceis. sth/seis d' e)c o)/mbroio kelainou= r(o/on kai/rion au)xmo\n a)nqrw/pois, qh/seis de\ kai\ e)c au)xmoi=o r(eu/mata dendreo/qrepta, ta/ t' e)n qe/rei e)/sontai. a)/ceis d' e)c a)i/+dao katafqime/nou me/nos a)ndro/s. kai/ pot' e)thsi/wn sfodrw=s pneusa/ntwn, w(s tou\s karpou\s lumh=nai, keleu/sas o)/nous e)kdarh=nai kai\ a)skou\s poih=sai peri\ tou\s lo/fous kai\ ta\s a)krwrei/as die/teine pro\s to\ sullabei=n to\ pneu=ma. lh/cantos de\ *kwlusa/nemon klhqh=nai.
These anecdotes come from Diogenes Laertius' Life of Empedocles (8.51-77, at 59-61), with a different order and some different readings; for a selection of the latter, see the notes below. For Empedocles see generally (epsilon 1001), epsilon 1002, epsilon 1003, epsilon 1004.
[1] In D.L. this person is a woman; here he is a man.
[2] The word "flow" is not in D.L. and violates the meter.
[3] In D.L. this phrase is "they will pour from the sky."
[4] See epsilon 3309.
[5] cf. kappa 2249.
Keywords: agriculture; biography; food; medicine; philosophy; poetry; religion; science and technology; women; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 28 May 2000@22:49:51.
Vetted by:
William Hutton (Altered punctuation.) on 30 May 2000@00:33:27.
David Whitehead (augmented notes; added keyword; cosmetics) on 17 March 2001@10:33:41.
David Whitehead (restorative cosmetics) on 20 August 2002@05:02:55.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 24 October 2003@04:22:21.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 1 April 2012@08:11:01.
David Whitehead (expanded primary note; tweaks and cosmetics) on 20 August 2015@10:53:58.


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