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Search results for alpha,3238 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,3238
Translated headword: in a simple statement
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] without qualification.
Aristotle says
a(plw=s "simply," that which is true when said without any qualification. For the Ethiopian being in some respect white -- for he is white in respect to the teeth -- is no longer also white simply. That which needs a qualification in order to be true is not true simply. For the Ethiopian is not white, because [this statement is] without qualification. But when "in some respect" has been added, it becomes true, for he is white in respect to the teeth. Furthermore, certain people [are] good "in some respect".
Similarly it is said, "not [in] the simple manner". Meaning what
parauti/ka ["immediately"] [means] in the ancients.[2]
And elsewhere: "for they did not simply make some speeches, but a lofty platform was raised, and on it they put images of Nero."[3]
Greek Original:*(aplw=| lo/gw|: tw=| xwri\s prosqh/khs. kai\ *(aplw=s para\ *)aristote/lei le/getai, o(\ xwri\s prosqh/khs lego/menon a)lhqe/s e)stin. o( ga\r *ai)qi/oy ph=| leuko\s w)/n: kata\ ga\r tou\s o)do/ntas: ou)ke/ti kai\ a(plw=s e)sti leuko/s. o(\ de\ dei=tai prosqh/khs pro\s to\ a)lhqe\s ei)=nai, tou=to ou)k e)/stin a(plw=s. o( ga\r *ai)qi/oy ou)k e)/sti leuko\s, dio/ti xwri\s prosqh/khs. prosteqe/ntos de\ tou= kata/ ti, a)lhqe\s gi/netai. kata\ ga\r tou\s o)do/ntas. a)lla\ kai\ spoudai=oi/ tines kata/ ti. le/getai de\ kai\ ou(/tws, ou) to\n a(plou=n tro/pon. a)nti\ tou= parauti/ka para\ toi=s palaioi=s. kai\ au)=qis: ou)de\ ga\r a(plw=s lo/gous tina\s e)poih/santo, a)lla\ kai\ bh=ma u(yhlo\n h)ge/rqh, kai\ e)p' au)tou= ei)ko/nes tou= *ne/rwnos e)te/qhsan.
[1] The source of this paragraph is Alexander of
Commentary on Aristotle's Topica 214.12-18.
[2] Perhaps, Adler suggests, from a scholion on
Ecclesiazusae 231, where "in a simple manner" occurs (web address 1).
Cassius Dio 62.23.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: art history; biography; comedy; definition; ethics; geography; historiography; history; medicine; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 18 July 2000@23:36:37.
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