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Search results for alpha,3178 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,3178
Translated headword: rested upon, fixed on
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning he/she/it] reclined on.[1]
[sc. Can also mean he/she/it] shook off, fixed, put away.
Polybius [writes]: "but being at a loss in all respects, at least for the time being he rested his present perplexity on some such hope."[2]
a)phri/sato [sc. is different]. [Used] with a dative. [Spelled] with iota. Meaning [he/she/it] engaged in rivalry.[3]
Greek Original:*)aphrei/sato: h)kou/mbisen. a)petina/cato, e)/phcen, a)pe/qeto. *polu/bios: o( de\ a)porw=n toi=s o(/lois pe/ras e)pi/ tina toiau/thn e)lpi/da kata\ to\ paro\n a)phrei/sato th\n e)nestw=san a)pori/an. *)aphri/sato de/. dotikh=|. dia\ tou= i. a)nti\ tou= e)filonei/khsen.
[1] The headword has the same or similar glossing (and NB the further glosses which follow) in other lexica. It must be quoted from somewhere -- perhaps the
Polybius passage quoted, though there are other possibilities. (This first glossing verb,
a)koumbi/zw, comes from Latin
accumbo. See already
alpha 3039, and again
epsilon 2949 and
eta 499.)
Polybius fr. 14 Büttner-Wobst.
[3] From
e)/ris, "strife"; attested only here.
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; history
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 9 August 2000@18:54:56.
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