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Search results for alpha,3135 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,3135
Translated headword: ignorance of the beautiful, vulgar extravagance
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] immoderation of [= in] the beautiful.[1]
"But the Romans already having gained dominance were excited to vulgar extravagance, and he stretched their forces out through his Libyan territory."[2]
And elsewhere: "but if not too vulgarly extravagant, as [someone] repeating things [already] much-spoken-of."[3]
Greek Original:*)apeirokali/a: a)metri/a tou= kalou=. oi( de\ *(rwmai=oi h)/dh kekrathko/tes e)phrme/noi h)=san ei)s a)peirokali/an, kai\ ta\s sfw=n au)tw=n e)ce/teine duna/meis a)na\ th\n e)kei/nou *libu/hn. kai\ au)=qis: a)ll' ei) mh\ li/an a)peiro/kalos, w(s diabebohme/na e)pidihgou/menos.
[1] Interpreting
a)peiro- as "unlimited" instead of "inexperienced." (cf.
alpha 3133).
[2] Quotation (transmitted, in Adler's view, via the
Excerpta Constantini Porphyrogeniti) unidentifiable.
[3] Quotation tentatively attributed by Adler to
Damascius, and admitted as such into Zintzen's edition of that author (
Life of Isidore fr. 373). However, C. Theodoridis in his
Photius edition (vol.II p.XCVI) identifies the passage as one in
Letter 127 (p.217.10-11 Garzya). In the translation of A. Fitzgerald,
Synesius says, "I shall not be so tactless as to spin out at great length the story which has been proclaimed ..."
a)lla\ mh\ li/an a)peiro/kalos w)= ktl.
Keywords: art history; biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; rhetoric
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 14 July 2000@23:30:19.
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