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Search results for alpha,3053 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,3053
Translated headword: to fail to blush
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] to be shameless.
Aristophanes [writes]: "it would have been better then to fail to blush instantly, [rather] than to have borrowed and acquired problems."[1] The [word] "problems" is not used to refer to an evil.[2]
The word is said about those who lend money. And elsewhere: "once red and not a tenth time pale."[3]
Greek Original:*)aperuqria/sai: a)panaisxunth=sai. *)aristofa/nhs: krei=tton h)=n to/t' eu)qu\s a)peruqria/sai, h)\ xrh/santa mh\ sxei=n pra/gmata. to\ pra/gmata ou)k e)pi\ kakou= xrw=ntai. o( de\ lo/gos ei)/rhtai e)pi\ tw=n daneizo/ntwn. kai\ au)=qis: a(/pac purro\s kai\ mh\ de/katon xlwro/s.
The headword, extracted from the quotation given, is aorist active infinitive of
Clouds 1215-16 (which does not have the intrusive gloss "borrowed and": see web address 1 below), with scholion.
[2] Contrast
pi 2188.
[3] See already
alpha 2907 (and again
pi 3235).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; proverbs
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 26 January 2001@10:35:52.
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