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Search results for alpha,2996 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,2996
Translated headword: answered briefly
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning he/she/it] said clearly.
Herodotus [writes]: "Artaphernes the son of Hystaspes, governor of
Sardis [...] briefly answered them thus: 'If the Athenians give King Darius earth and water, he will make an alliance with them. If they do not give it, he will order them to return'".[1]
Greek Original:*)apekoru/fou: profanw=s e)/legen. *(hro/dotos: *)artafe/rnhs, o( *(usta/speos, *sardi/wn u(/parxos, a)pekoru/fou sfi ta/de: ei) me\n didou=si basilei= *darei/w| *)aqhnai=oi gh=n te kai\ u(/dwr, o( de\ summaxi/hn sfi suneti/qeto: ei) de\ mh\ didou=sin, a)palla/ssesqai au)tou\s e)ke/leuen.
The headword -- third person singular, imperfect, of
a)pokorufo/w -- is presumably extracted from the quotation given.
Herodotus 5.73.2, abridged (web address 1 below); cf.
alpha 4022.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; history; politics
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 21 December 2000@00:34:10.
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