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Search results for alpha,2966 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,2966
Translated headword: demanding back
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [
*)apaite/wn means the same as]
Phocylides [writes]: "avoid a man who is a bad debtor, lest he repent of giving you [money], demanding it back at an inconvenient time."[2]
Greek Original:*)apaite/wn: a)paitw=n. *fwkuli/dhs: xrh/stas kakou\s e)/mmenai a)ndro\s feu/gein mh/ ge a)nih/seie didou\s, para\ kairo\n a)paite/wn.
[1] Headword and gloss are the same present participle (masculine nominative singular), the former uncontracted (and extracted, presumably, from the quotation given).
Phocylides fr.16 Bergk; quoted from
chi 509. (In both places the transmitted
ge should be
se.) For
Phocylides see
phi 643, and generally M.L. West,
Journal of Hellenic Studies 98 (1978) 164-167 and again in OCD(4) s.v. (p.1139).
Keywords: daily life; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; poetry
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 15 May 2001@13:27:16.
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