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Search results for alpha,2874 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,2874
Translated headword: to show words from bellows
Vetting Status: high
Translation: That is novel and newly-made [words].
Aristophanes [writes]: "to show words both refined and witty all from bellows and from frameworks."[1] For by "from bellows" he is speaking of ones freshly made and as if from the fire,[2] while "from frameworks" suggests what is freshly formed and structured. For a framework [
kinnabos] [is] the form at which modellers and painters look and set up when moulding and painting. Many use [this word].[3]
Greek Original:*)ap' a)krofusi/wn lo/gous e)ndeiknu/nai: oi(onei\ kainou\s kai\ neopoih/tous. *)aristofa/nhs: r(h/mata/ te komya\ kai\ pai/gnia e)pideiknu/nai pa/nta a)p' a)krofusi/wn kai\ tw=n a)po\ kinnabeuma/twn. le/gei ga\r dia\ me\n tou= a)p' a)krofusi/wn, kainw=s ei)rgasme/na kai\ oi(=on e)k puro\s, dia\ de\ tou= a)po\ kinnabeuma/twn, oi(=on kainw=s peplasme/na kai\ dia/qesin e)/xonta. ki/nnabos ga\r to\ ei)/dwlon, pro\s o(\ oi( pla/stai kai\ oi( zwgra/foi ble/pontes diati/qentai pla/ttontes kai\ gra/fontes. ke/xrhntai polloi/.
Praeparatio sophistica fr. 236. Anticipated at
alpha 1022, but this is the full entry.
Aristophanes fr. 699 Kock (now 719 K.-A.) -- imperfectly quoted here: for the final
kai\ tw=n a)po\ kinnabeuma/twn read
ka)po\ kanabeuma/twn.
[2] cf. the modern "words from the anvil".
[3] See again at
kappa 1624 and (esp.)
kappa 1625. The authentic spelling of the word appears to be
kanabos (or
kannabos: see LSJ s.v.).
Keywords: art history; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; imagery; rhetoric; science and technology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 30 November 2000@07:18:26.
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