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Search results for alpha,2872 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,2872
Translated headword: most impassive [things], very impassive [things]
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning ones] outside emotion/passion.[1]
One must be kindly; also patient with simpletons and those who hold unconsidered opinions; agreeable towards everyone, so that one's company is sweeter than all flattery, gentle and compassionate to all; nor ever with a countenance arranged in anger, [but] quietly most content and optimistic.[2]
Greek Original:*)apaqe/stata: e)kto\s pa/qous. eu)menh= dei= ei)=nai: kai\ a)nektiko\n tw=n i)diwtw=n kai\ a)qew/rhton oi)ome/nwn: pro\s pa/ntas eu)a/rmoston, w(/ste kolakei/as pa/shs proshneste/ran ei)=nai th\n o(mili/an, proshnh= kai\ ai)de/simon pa=si: mhde\ e)/mfasi/n pote o)rgh=s parasxei=n, eu)storgo/taton kai\ eu)fhmo/taton a)yofhti/.
[1] cf. generally
alpha 2873. The present headword, neuter plural of this superlative, does not occur in the passage about to be quoted, but see next note.
[2] A poor paraphrase -- at times destroying the sense altogether -- of Marcus Aurelius,
Meditations 1.9.1-3. This paragraph details what he learned 'from
Sextus' (
Sextus of
Chaeronea, one of his teachers:
sigma 235) about kindliness; at the end of the passage
a)paqe/staton occurs. See translation at web address 1.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; philosophy
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 30 November 2000@22:40:16.
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