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Search results for alpha,2848 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,2848
Translated headword: undefined land
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] that which does not have boundary-stones, and is not seeded. For seeded [land] has boundary-stones, by virtue of being land that has been shared out, until the point where each has the right of ownership.
Greek Original:*)ao/ristos gh=: h( mh\ e)/xousa o(/rous, mhde\ speirome/nh. h( ga\r speirome/nh o(/rous e)/xei, a(/te ou)=sa memerisme/nh, e(/ws ou(= e)stin e(ka/stou to\ di/kaion th=s diakrath/sews.
The headword phrase occurs in
Thucydides 1.139.2 (on a territorial dispute between
Athens and Megara in the 430s BCE), and the substance of the entry derives from the
scholia on the passage.
Keywords: agriculture; botany; daily life; definition; economics; ethics; geography; historiography; history; law
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 30 November 2000@04:50:17.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (modified headword and translation; added note and keyword; cosmetics) on 30 November 2000@07:44:43.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 21 March 2012@09:38:49.
David Whitehead on 2 August 2015@06:51:34.
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