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Search results for alpha,2828 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,2828
Translated headword: axioms
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Thus
Aristotle calls both the propositions requiring demonstration and the indemonstrable ones, as [is] his custom.[1]
Greek Original:*)aciw/mata: ou(/tws le/gei *)aristote/lhs kai\ ta\s deome/nas a)podei/cews prota/seis, kai\ ta\s a)napodei/ktous, w(s e)/qos au)tw=|.
See already
alpha 2827 (and cf.
alpha 2825,
alpha 2826).
[1] Alexander of
Commentaries on Aristotle's Topica 547.21-22. In the
Posterior Analytics Aristotle speaks of two types of indemonstrable propositions: (1) the axioms, i.e. those principles that a learner must already have if he or she is willing to learn any scientific discipline (
An.Post. 72a17; see also
Metaphysics 1005a20. These indemonstrable axioms include the general laws of thought, such as the principle of non-contradiction and the law of the excluded middle; see
An.Post. 71a13-14;
Met. 1005b19-20). (2) What
Aristotle understands as the peculiar principles of a scientific discipline, i.e. some items that are proper to each particular science. For instance, arithmetic assumes the existence of units, geometry that of points and lines (
An.Post. 76a37-76b5).
J. Barnes, Aristotle, Posterior Analytics. Translated with a Commentary (Oxford 1994)
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; mathematics; philosophy
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 29 November 2000@21:49:30.
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