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Adler number: alpha,2819
Translated headword: the wage [is] worth taking
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This [is in reference to] those trained for beauty, meaning something like this: "the wage is worthy, so that [one should] take it." It is in
Homer was the first to use this figure:[1] "for you shall be easier to slay, with that man dead." [2] And elsewhere: "it is very hard to cross, for there are stakes in it." [3] And
Sophocles [writes]: "for a woman quick to anger, like a man who is the same way, is easier to guard against than a quietly clever woman."[4] The sense [is]: someone might more easily guard against the hot-tempered person than [against] someone hiding the anger with silence.
Also [sc. attested is the proverbial phrase] "worth a hair"; in reference to something cheap and commonplace; inasmuch as hair is worth nothing.[5]
Aristophanes [writes]: "if I stole something of yours that is worth even a hair".[6] Meaning any old thing.
Also [sc. attested is the phrase] "worth not even a single", meaning [worth] nothing. It is said from dice-games.[7]
And [there is] a proverb: "worth a skewer", and "from a skewer", a proverb in reference to things of high value.[8] Also [sc. attested is] "worth everything".
Greek Original:*)/acios labei=n o( misqo/s: tou=to tw=n ei)s ka/llos h)skhme/nwn shmai=non toio/nde ti: a)/cio/s e)stin o( misqo\s, w(/ste labei=n au)to/n. e)/sti de\ para\ *krati/nw|. *(/omhros de\ prw=ton e)xrh/sato tw=| sxh/mati tou/tw|: r(hi/+teroi ga\r e)/sesqe: kei/nou teqnew=tos e)naire/men. kai\ pa/lin: h( de\ ma/l' a)rgale/h pera/an: sko/lopes ga\r e)n au)th=|. kai\ *sofoklh=s: gunh\ ga\r o)cu/qumos, w(s d' au(/tws a)nh\r, r(a/|wn fula/ssein h)\ siwphlo\s sofo/s. o( de\ nou=s: r(a/|on a)/n tis fula/caito to\n o)cu/qumon h)\ to\n kru/ptonta dia\ sigh\n th\n o)rgh/n. kai\ *)/acios trixo/s: e)pi\ tou= eu)telou=s kai\ tuxo/ntos: paro/son h( qri\c ou)deno\s a)ci/a e)sti/n. *)aristofa/nhs: ei)/ 'kleya tw=n sw=n a)/cio/n ti kai\ trixo/s. a)nti\ tou= to\ tuxo/n. kai\ *)/acios ou)de\ mo/nou, a)nti\ tou= ou)deno/s. e)/sti de\ a)po\ tw=n ku/bwn ei)rhme/non. kai\ paroimi/a, *)/acios o)beli/skou, kai\ *)apo\ o)beli/skou, paroimi/a e)pi\ tw=n sfo/dra timi/wn. kai\ *)/acios tou= panto/s.
The headword phrase is
Cratinus fr. 365 Kock, now 340 Kassel-Austin. The first gloss, down to "with silence", is
Synagoge (Codex B) alpha1551 (=
Praeparatio sophistica fr. 227).
[1] That is, an epexegetic infinitive, several examples of which are subsequently cited.
Iliad 24.243 (web address 1 below).
Iliad 12.63 (web address 2).
[4] "
Sophocles" is a mistake (also in the
Synagoge); this is
Medea 319-320. See web address 3.
Zenobius 2.4.
Praeparatio sophistica fr. 228.
Frogs 614 (web address 4). Later proverbial: Tosi (cited under
alpha 378) no.1685.
[7] =
Synagoge (Codex B) alpha1562;
Lexicon alpha2181 Theodoridis. de Borries identifies this and the following two glosses as
Praeparatio sophistica fr.229. In any event, "worth not even a single" comes from
Theaetetus 162E.
Zenobius 2.2. Perhaps because metal skewers were used as currency in archaic times.
C. de Boor, "Suidas und die Konstantinsche Exzerptsammlung I," Byzantinische Zeitschrift 21 (1912) 416
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3,
Web address 4
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; economics; epic; ethics; gender and sexuality; imagery; military affairs; philosophy; proverbs; tragedy; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 30 November 2000@15:47:44.
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