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Search results for alpha,2815 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,2815
Translated headword: proper, fine, worthy
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Is applied to what is just. Thus
Demosthenes [uses the word].[1]
Also [sc. attested is the phrase]
a)/cion cu/lon ["fine timber"], [meaning timber] well and beautifully worked, good, beautiful.
Aristophanes [writes]: "if you're caught out, at least it will be from fine timber [that you will hang]".[2] From the proverb: "to hang from fine timber." He wants to say, then, that it is better to employ noble and well-scrutinized generals than inferior ones. For if it is necessary to suffer, better to suffer at the hands of a good man than an inferior one.
axion in Attic [writers] [means something] cheap. "[Do you know that] stem of a silphium, the
axios [part]?" That is the cheap [part].[3]
Greek Original:*)/acion: e)pi\ tou= dikai/ou te/taktai. ou(/tws *dhmosqe/nhs. kai\ *)/acion cu/lon, eu)= kai\ kalw=s ei)rgasme/non, eu)qe\s, kalo/n. *)aristofa/nhs: ka)/n tis sfalh=t', e)c a)ci/ou gou=n tou= cu/lou. para\ th\n paroimi/an: a)po\ kalou= cu/lou ka)\n a)pa/gcasqai. qe/lei ou)=n le/gein, be/ltio/n e)sti xrh=sqai toi=s gennai/ois strathgoi=s kai\ dedokimasme/nois h)\ toi=s fau/lois: ka)\n ga\r de/h| paqei=n, krei=tton a)p' a)gaqou= h)\ fau/lou pa/sxein. *)/acion de\ para\ *)attikoi=s to\ eu)/wnon. kaulo\n silfi/ou to\n a)/cion. toute/sti to\n eu)/wnon.
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Keywords: botany; comedy; daily life; definition; economics; ethics; food; military affairs; proverbs; rhetoric
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 30 November 2000@17:06:07.
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