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Headword: *)antw/nios
Adler number: alpha,2763
Translated headword: Antonios, Antonius
Vetting Status: high
Of Alexandria, who being rather deficient in words was someone not altogether precise; but he became most dedicated to the truth and was very enthusiastic in soul for the service of god, both in a public and in a more esoteric capacity; as a result he made Gaza far more holy than it was previously. And he went into civil lawsuits and he went to trial over his sister and championed her more ardently than was within measure and defended her very forcefully; neither did he stint on time spent until nothing was lacking, nor did he have any concern for a better reputation. For he was spoken of badly by the men of that time, not as being unjust, but as being litigious. For he even went up to Byzantium for a lawsuit and he was thought to be someone exceedingly contentious. Although he prevailed over his opponents, yet he surrendered her [sc. his sister] to another man, and he himself spent the rest of his life in rest and away from politics, some in philosophy, but mostly he lived his life in the holy places. He was simple in his habit and ready for public services, especially ones concerning religion. So I myself, personally, concede to this man simply the greatest grace, for which I pray the gods repay him as someone worthy to live with [them] in the islands of the blest.[1]
Also [sc. attested is the phrase] *)antwni/eios kli/nh ["Antonian couch"], [meaning] that of Antonios.[2]
Greek Original:
*)antw/nios, *)alecandreu\s, o(\s e)ndee/steron e)/xwn pro\s tou\s lo/gous ou) pa/nu tis h)=n a)kribh/s: pro\s de\ a)lh/qeian i(erw/tatos e)gego/nei kai\ li/an e)/rrwto. th\n yuxh\n pro\s qeou= qerapei/an, th/n te dhmotelh= th/n te a)porrhtote/ran: w(/ste kai\ th\n *ga/zan a)pe/fhnen i(erwte/ran pollw=| ma=llon, h)\ pro/teron h)=n. e)mba\s de\ ei)s politika\s u(poqe/seis kai\ dikasa/menos u(pe\r th=s a)delfh=s proe/sth au)th=s e)kqumo/teron tou= metri/ou kai\ u(peredika/sato kata\ to\ karterw/taton, ou)/te xro/nou feido/menos ei)s ou)de\n de/on dapanwme/nou ou)/te do/chs a)mei/nonos e)pistrofh/n tina poihsa/menos. h)/kouse ga\r kakw=s u(po\ tw=n to/te a)nqrw/pwn ou)x w(s a)dikw=n, a)ll' w(s filodikw=n. a)ne/bh ga\r kai\ e)s to\ *buza/ntion e)pi\ th=| di/kh| kai\ sfo/dra filo/neikos e)/doce/ tis ei)=nai. perigeno/menos de\ tw=n a)ntidi/kwn tau/thn me\n e)ce/dwken e(te/rw| a)ndri/, au)to\s de\ e)n h(suxi/a| kai\ a)pragmosu/nh| to\ loipo\n tou= bi/ou diete/lei, o)li/ga me\n e)n filosofi/a, ta\ de\ plei/w diaitw/menos e)n toi=s i(eroi=s. a(plou=s de\ h)=n to\ h)=qos kai\ e(/toimos ei)s eu)ergesi/as, a)/llws te kai\ ta\s dia\ tw=n i(erw=n. e)/gwge ou)=n kai\ au)to\s o(mologw= tw=| a)ndri\ megi/sthn a)texnw=s th\n xa/rin, h(\n a)mei/yasqai au)to\n eu)/xomai tou\s qeou\s e)n maka/rwn nh/sois h)/dh suzh=n h)ciwme/non. kai\ *)antwni/eios kli/nh, tou= *)antwni/ou.
[1] Damascius, Life of Isidore fr. 186 Zintzen (210 Asmus).
[2] cf. alpha 2658.
Keywords: biography; ethics; geography; law; philosophy; politics; religion; rhetoric; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 16 December 2001@12:01:12.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added note and keyword; cosmetics) on 15 August 2002@07:15:50.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 16 November 2005@07:41:44.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 19 March 2012@08:04:42.
David Whitehead on 28 July 2015@05:38:57.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation, adjusted betacode) on 30 August 2015@01:16:01.


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