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Search results for alpha,2758 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,2758
Translated headword: affidavit
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Meaning an] indictment under oath against someone, concerning [his] alleged wrongdoings. But a diomosia [is] the oath made by both sides who are pleading the case, by one to accuse the one who did [something], and by the other that he did not do [it]. An exomosia [is] a denial with an oath, that he was incapacitated or was discharging a public service at the time.
The an[th]ippasia and diippasia are contests of horses, just as diomosia and antomosia both show the same.[1]
Greek Original:*)antwmosi/a: grafh\ kata/ tinos e)/norkos, peri\ w(=n h)dikh=sqai/ fhsi. diwmosi/a de\ o( e(kate/rwqen gino/menos o(/rkos u(po\ tw=n dikazome/nwn, tou= me\n w(s pra/canta diw/kein, tou= de\ w(s ou)k e)/pracen. e)c- wmosi/a de\ a)/rnhsis su\n o(/rkw|, w(s a)dunatou=ntos h)\ para\ kairo\n o)/ntos au)tw=| tou= leitourgei=n. a)nippasi/a kai\ diippasi/a tw=n i(/ppwn a(/milla, w(/sper de\ diwmosi/a kai\ a)ntwmosi/a to\ au)to\ a)/mfw dhloi=.
The main part of this entry is also in
Platonic Lexicon (perhaps, though not necessarily, because the headword appears twice in
Apology 19B, 24B) and elsewhere. See also
alpha 2759 and
alpha 2760.
[1] On this addendum see
alpha 2475 and the note there.
Keywords: athletics; definition; law; military affairs; philosophy; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 16 November 2000@16:56:04.
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