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Search results for alpha,2733 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,2733
Translated headword: to resist, to strike against
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] to oppose. Also [sc. attested is the related noun]
a)ntitupi/a ["resistance"], [meaning] opposition, rigidity. It is also used for similarity.[1]
In the
Epigrams: "the stone that produces fire in resistance to striking."[2]
Also [sc. attested is the related adjective]
a)nti/tupon ["repellant"]: "'although every sensation possesses some particular origin, the sense of touch does not possess a single common origin from tangible things,' says
Aristotle. Because even though it concerns itself with a particular kind of tangible thing, yet one sort which is not visible falls under the category of touch; through this [touch] it is obvious that it [this sort of thing] exists, although it does not appear. What then is this? We say that it is resistance. But I say that resistance is not the opposite of 'softness' and that it does not give way to touch, but that every physical body which encounters and makes contact with the sense of touch [is] in opposition to mathematical bodies which do not make contact with or resist the sense of touch. So we say that which somehow offers resistance to the sense of touch is 'resistant' [
a)nti/tupon] and this is the common origin of tangible things."[3]
Also [sc. attested is the phrase]
a)nti/tupoi a)/nqrwpoi ["resistant men"], [meaning those who are] hard and unyielding.[4] [The phrase arises] metaphorically from the thunderbolt and the hammer. Also [sc. attested is the phrase]
tu/pos a)nti/tupos ["blow [and] counter-blow"]. The oracle says [this].[5]
Greek Original:*)antituph=sai: a)ntipaqh=sai. kai\ *)antitupi/a, e)nanti/wsis, sklhro/ths. lamba/netai de\ kai\ e)pi\ o(moio/thtos. e)n *)epigra/mmasi: kai\ li/qon a)ntitu/pw| krou/mati pursoto/kon. kai\ *)anti/tupon: pa/shs ai)sqh/sews peri\ e(/n ti ge/nos e)xou/shs h( a)fh\ ou)k e)/xei peri\ e(\n koino\n ge/nos tw=n a(ptw=n, fhsi\n *)aristote/lhs. o(/ti kai\ au)th\ katagi/netai peri\ e(/n ti ge/nos tw=n a(ptw=n: a)ll' ou)k e)/stin eu)/dhlon to\ e(\n ge/nos to\ th=| a(fh=| u(pokei/menon: dia\ de\ tou/tou e)sh/manen, o(/ti e)sti\ me\n, ou) faneroi= de/. ti/ ou)=n tou=to/ e)sti; le/gomen o(/ti to\ a)nti/tupon. a)nti/tupon de\ le/gw ou) to\ a)ntikei/menon tw=| malakw=| kai\ mh\ u(pei=kon th=| a(fh=|, a)lla\ pa=n fusiko\n sw=ma to\ prospi/pton kai\ qigga/non th=s a(fh=s pro\s a)ntidiastolh\n tw=n maqhmatikw=n swma/twn, a(\ ou) qigga/nei ou)de\ a)ntibai/nei th=| a(fh=|. to\ ou)=n o(pwsou=n a)ntibai=non th=| a(fh=| tou=to/ famen a)nti/tupon, kai\ koino\n ei)=nai ge/nos tw=n a(ptw=n. kai\ *)antitu/pous a)nqrw/pous, sklhrou\s kai\ a)nendo/tous. metaforikw=s a)po\ tou= a)/kmonos kai\ th=s sfu/ras. kai\ tu/pos a)nti/tupos. fhsi\n o( xrhsmo/s.
The headword, presumably extracted from somewhere, is the aorist active infinitive of
a)ntitupe/w; and the first paragraph of the present entry is also in
Photius and other lexica.
[1] In the sense of "reflection".
[2] That is, flint:
Greek Anthology 6.27.4 (
Theaetetus Scholasticus). Find further extracts from this epigram, wherein a retiring fisherman dedicates his equipment, at
beta 539 and
epsilon 3990.
[3] John
Commentary on Aristotle's de anima 410.36-411.10; cf.
alpha 3711.
[4] The phrase occurs in
Theaetetus 155E (web address 1 below), and these are the glosses of scholiasts there.
Herodotus 1.67.4 (web address 2 below);
Stephanus of
Byzantium s.v.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; history; imagery; philosophy; poetry; religion; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 26 March 2001@17:09:50.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 15 August 2002@05:34:13.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 18 October 2005@05:47:38.
Catharine Roth (added betacode, updated links) on 29 October 2011@23:29:11.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 30 October 2011@06:12:28.
David Whitehead (typo) on 19 March 2012@05:50:44.
David Whitehead on 25 July 2015@09:51:41.
Ronald Allen (expanded n.2, added cross-references, added keyword) on 10 September 2023@12:00:19.
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