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Adler number: alpha,2703
Translated headword: Antipatros, Antipater
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Son of Iolaos,[1] from the city of Palioura in Macedonia,[2] general of Philip [II], then of Alexander [sc. the Great], and successor to the kingship; a pupil of
Aristotle. He left a compilation of letters in 2 books and a history,
The Illyrian Deeds of Perdikkas.[3] And he served as guardian to the son of Alexander known as Herakles.[4] He alone of the Successors did not choose to call Alexander a god, judging this impious. He lived 77 years and left a son and successor, Kassandros,[5] the man who killed Alexander's mother Olympias.[6]
[It is said] that when the Athenians surrendered
Athens to Antipatros the Macedonian, the demagogues, having urged the Athenians to revolt, were afraid that they would lay the blame upon them and fled. The Athenians condemned them to death in their absence. Among them were
Demosthenes the orator and
Hyperides and Himeraios, [
Demades] having proposed the motion for death. For he had become in no respect more moderate in his opinion, since there cannot even be any change in a nature conjoined with wickedness. The injunction of law, as it does not completely hold [that nature] in check, is overcome by it, as is the force opposing it in its various inclinations. Neither by fear is over-confidence deflected, nor is a constraining shame sufficient to persuade it into subjection to the law.[7]
Greek Original:*)anti/patros, *)iola/ou, po/lews de\ *paliou/ras th=s *makedoni/as, strathgo\s *fili/ppou, ei)=ta *)aleca/ndrou, kai\ dia/doxos basilei/as: maqhth\s *)aristote/lous. kate/lipen e)pistolw=n su/ggramma e)n bibli/ois b#, kai\ i(stori/an, ta\s *perdi/kkou pra/ceis *)illurika/s. kai\ e)petro/peuse me\n to\n ui(o\n *)aleca/ndrou, to\n *(hrakle/a klhqe/nta. mo/nos de\ tw=n diado/xwn qeo\n kale/sai *)ale/candron ou)x ei(/leto, a)sebe\s tou=to kri/nas. e)bi/w de\ e)/th oq# kai\ kate/lipen ui(o\n kai\ dia/doxon *ka/ssandron, to\n th\n mhte/ra *)aleca/ndrou a)nelo/nta *)olumpia/da. o(/ti tw=n *)aqhnai/wn ta\s *)aqh/nas *)antipa/trw| tw=| *makedo/ni parado/ntwn, e)n de/ei o)/ntes oi( dhmagwgoi\ pro\s th\n e)pana/stasin tou\s *)aqhnai/ous e)pa/rantes, mh\ th\n ai)ti/an e)p' au)tou\s e)ne/gkwsin, e)/fugon. oi( de\ *)aqhnai=oi qana/tw| e)rh/mhn tou/tous katedi/kasan, w(=n h)=n *dhmosqe/nhs o( r(h/twr kai\ *(uperi/dhs kai\ *(imerai=os, th\n tou= qana/tou ei)sh/ghsin ei)senegko/ntos. e)gego/nei ga\r e)s ou)de\n metriw/teros th=| gnw/mh|: dio/ti mhde/ e)sti fu/sews metabolh\ kaki/a| sunelqou/shs: h(tta=tai de\ au)th=s kai\ no/mou e)pi/tacis mh\ pantelw=s kola/zousa, kai\ i)sxu\s au)th=| a)nantagw/nistos e)f' o(/per a)\n r(e/yh|: kai\ ou)/te fo/bw| a)potre/petai to\ qrasu/nesqai, ou)/te ai)dw\s e)cei/rgousa parapei=sai i(kanh/ e)stin e)s to\ tw=| no/mw| u(ph/koon.
?397-319. See A.B. Bosworth in OCD(4) p.107, under Antipater(1). See also
alpha 2704.
[1] So too in the (unusually brief) entry in Harpokration s.v.
[2] Otherwise unattested, but emendations to (e.g.) Potidaea have not been found convincing.
[3] (Entry thus far = FGrH 114 T1.) This 'Perdikkas' is evidently the Macedonian king of that name, Perdikkas III, Philip II's elder brother and immediate predecessor (reigned 365-359).
[4] a.k.a. Alexander IV (323-c.310), posthumous son of Alexander the Great and Rhoxane. See again at
epsilon 2733.
[5] Also known as Cassander (d. 297).
[6] In 316.
[7] The source of this moralizing material has been identified as Arrian's (lost)
Affairs after Alexander.
H. Berve, Das Alexanderreich auf prosopographische Grundlage (Munich 1926) vol.2 no.94
C. Habicht, Athens from Alexander to Antony (Cambridge Mass. 1997) ch.2.
W. Heckel, The Marshals of Alexander's Empire (London & New York 1992) 38-49
Keywords: biography; chronology; ethics; geography; historiography; history; law; politics; religion; women
Translated by: D. Graham J. Shipley on 28 October 2000@08:50:43.
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