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Headword: *)antio/ph
Adler number: alpha,2689
Translated headword: Antiope
Vetting Status: high
Daughter of Nycteus. She was corrupted by one of the citizens.[1] Her father sent her to his brother to be punished. He, however, pitied her when he saw her pregnant. She gave birth to Zethus and Amphion,[2] and their uncle exposed them on a mountain. He had a wife, named Dirce, who suspected that her husband Lycus[3] loved Antiope. She led her onto a mountain and tied her up to the neck of a bull and kindled torches on its horns, intending her to die. Antiope wailed and when a clamor arose a great crowd of farmers gathered, accompanied by Zethus and Amphion. And they recognized their mother and rescued her, but Dirce they delivered to her appointed punishment. Zethus and Amphion found Thebes and rule as kings there, and their descendents [extend] as far as the son of Laius and Jocasta, who is also called Oedipus.
Greek Original:
*)antio/ph, quga/thr *nukte/ws, h(\n e)/fqeire/ tis tw=n politw=n. o( de\ path\r pe/mpei au)th\n tw=| a)delfw=| kola/sai. o( de\ e)/gkuon au)th\n qeasa/menos w)/|kteiren. h( de\ genna=| *zh=qon kai\ *)amfi/ona, ou(\s ei)s o)/ros e)/rriyen o( qei=os. ei)=xe de\ gunai=ka, o)no/mati *di/rkhn, h(/tis u(ponoh/sasa to\n e(auth=s a)/ndra *lu/kion filei=n th\n *)antio/phn a)na/gei au)th\n ei)s o)/ros kai\ dh/sasa au)th\n a)po\ traxh/lou tau/rou kai\ a)na/yasa da=|das a)po\ tw=n au)tou= kera/twn e)/mellen au)th\n a)pollu/ein. h( de\ e)qrh/nei kai\ qoru/bou genome/nou h)qroi/sqh plh=qos gewrgw=n, su\n oi(=s kai\ *zh=qos kai\ *)amfi/wn. kai\ gnwri/santes th\n mhte/ra e)rru/santo au)th/n, th\n de\ *di/rkhn th=| prokeime/nh| pare/dwkan timwri/a|. *zh=qos de\ kai\ *)amfi/wn kti/zousi *qh/bas kai\ basileu/ousi, kai\ tou/twn oi( a)po/gonoi me/xri *lai/+ou kai\ *)ioka/stou, tou= metaklhqe/ntos *oi)di/podos.
See Apollodorus, Library 3.5.5 (web address 1). Euripides made Antiope the subject of a (lost) tragedy. For Dirce see delta 1266.
[1] Sexual "corruption" is meant, as will emerge. In some versions (e.g. Apollodorus) Zeus is the lover; but on the "one of the citizens" model he comes from one of the Boeotian towns involved in this myth.
[2] See alpha 1751 (end).
[3] The Suda text actually reads "a Lykian man", but the version translated above is guaranteed to be correct by other sources.
OCD(4) s.v. (p.107)
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: agriculture; definition; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; mythology; tragedy; women; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 13 September 2000@22:51:24.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (Altered wording slightly, added reference and link.) on 14 September 2000@21:56:52.
Catharine Roth on 14 September 2000@22:01:04.
Ross Scaife ✝ (added link to apollodoros) on 15 September 2000@07:54:26.
David Whitehead (added notes and bibliography; cosmetics) on 12 March 2001@04:03:22.
David Whitehead (another x-ref) on 16 February 2005@07:20:43.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 2 October 2005@10:51:12.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaking) on 18 March 2012@10:34:12.
Catharine Roth (tweaked note) on 24 December 2013@00:22:21.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 30 July 2014@07:00:35.


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