Suda On Line
Search results for alpha,2674 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,2674
Translated headword: right on, straight on
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] opposite, from an opposite position. The linguists and
Apollodorus of Cyrene[1] and others say [it means] demonstrably. And indeed right through and directly and straightway and right away and surely and soundly and accurately and simply. But others say, I think more accurately, that when said with the sigma [i.e.
a)/ntikrus] it clarifies what has been said, but without the sigma, i.e.
a)ntikru/, it only [means] over against, and opposite from.
Greek Original:*)/antikrus: kate/nanti, e)c e)nanti/as. oi( de\ glwssogra/foi kai\ *)apollo/dwros o( *kurhnai=os kai\ e(/tera/ fasi dhlou=n. kai\ ga\r diampere\s kai\ i)qu\s kai\ eu)qu\s kai\ e)p' eu)qei/as kai\ i)sxurw=s kai\ safw=s kai\ a)kribw=s kai\ a(plw=s. oi( de/ fasin a)kribe/steron oi)=mai le/gontes, o(/ti meta\ tou= s lego/menon ta\ ei)rhme/na dhloi=, a)/neu de\ tou= s, oi(=on a)ntikru/, to\ kate/nanti mo/non, kai\ e)c e)nanti/as.
See already
alpha 2673. The present entry, after the first sentence, is also in
[1] cf.
beta 206,
beta 489, and see generally A.R. Dyck, 'On
Apollodorus of Cyrene',
Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 85 (1985) 101-106.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 1 June 2001@02:44:36.
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