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Search results for alpha,2671 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,2671
Translated headword: Antikleides, Anticleides, Anticlides
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This man wrote a work on Homecomings.[1] For when the Pythian god[2] demanded the golden lamb and [Pelops] offered other treasures instead, the Pythia said, "Give me what I want; don't give me what I don't want."[3]
Greek Original:*)antiklei/dhs: ou(=tos e)/graye peri\ *no/stwn. ai)tou=ntos ga\r tou= *puqi/ou a)naqei=nai th\n a)/rna th\n xrush=n kai\ e(/tera pare/xontos keimh/lia, ei)pei=n th\n *puqi/an: o(\ bou/lomai, do\s, mh\ di/dou d' o(\ mh\ qe/lw.
OCD(4) p.101, s.v. Anticleides
[1] Antikleides of
Athens (FGrH 140), early C3 BCE, wrote works
on Alexander (sc. the Great) and
on the history and antiquities of the island of Delos [
delta 408], besides the one mentioned here, the
Homecomings (sc. of the Greek heroes after the Trojan War: see
nu 500).
[2] Delphian Apollo: see
pi 3130,
pi 3137.
[3] For this material see already
alpha 1878, and again
omicron 10. It comes from the
scholia to
Clouds 144, and is surely misplaced here.
Lionel Pearson, The Lost Histories of Alexander the Great (New York 1960) 251ff.
Keywords: biography; comedy; epic; geography; historiography; mythology; religion; trade and manufacture; women
Translated by: William Hutton on 19 September 2000@21:23:48.
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