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Adler number: alpha,2670
Translated headword: opposites
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Opposites are opposite in four ways: for [they are opposites] either as [they are] an affirmation and a denial, or as [they are] contraries, or as [they are] a possession and a privation, or as they relate to something. And for each antithesis [there is] a proper inference, from which inference it indicates how it is possible for those who start to support or demolish [an argument]. But the inference [does not apply] similarly to all the antitheses; rather the inference which is made applies to the contradiction. For if [we take the premise] "the evil[1] [is] sweet", [then we also have] "that which is not sweet [is] not good", but not "that which is not good [is] not sweet". And so forth on the[ir] topics.
Greek Original:*)antikei/mena: ta\ a)ntikei/mena tetraxw=s a)nti/keitai: h)\ ga\r w(s kata/fasis kai\ a)po/fasis h)\ w(s ta\ e)nanti/a h)\ w(s e(/cis kai\ ste/rhsis h)\ w(s ta\ pro/s ti. kai\ kaq' e(ka/sthn a)nti/qesin oi)kei/a tis a)kolouqi/a, a)f' h(=s a)kolouqi/as u(pogra/fei pw=s oi(=o/n te o(rmwme/nous kataskeua/zein ti kai\ a)naskeua/zein. a)ll' ou)k e)pi\ pasw=n tw=n a)ntiqe/sewn h( a)kolou/qhsis o(moi/ws, a)ll' e)pi\ me\n th=s a)ntifa/sews a)na/palin h( ginome/nh a)kolou/qhsis e)/xei. ei) ga\r to\ kako\n h(du\, to\ ou)x h(du\ ou) kalo/n: a)ll' ou)xi\ to\ ou) kalo\n ou)x h(du/. kai\ ta\ loipa\ e)pi\ toi=s to/pois.
Alexander of
Commentary on Aristotle's Topica 190.27-191.7. The headword itself is a present middle participle in the neuter plural.
[1] Alexander has
kalo\n "good": if the good is sweet, it follows that what is not sweet is not good (contraposition), but it does not follow that what is not good is not sweet.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; philosophy
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 13 May 2001@14:21:11.
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