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Search results for alpha,2669 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,2669
Translated headword: to be convertible
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The characteristic property of a thing is convertible and belongs to it alone; for instance, laughter to man. And this is "to be convertible", to belong to something alone and altogether.
Greek Original:*)antikathgorei=sqai: to\ i)/dion a)ntikathgorei=tai tou= pra/gmatos kai\ mo/nw| u(pa/rxei: w(s tw=| a)nqrw/pw| to\ gelastiko/n. kai\ tou=to/ e)stin a)ntikathgorei=sqai, to\ mo/nw| kai\ panti\ u(pa/rxein.
Alexander of
Commentary on Aristotle's Topica 45.15-19 & 27-28.
For this technical sense of
a)ntikathgore/w in the middle voice see LSJ s.v.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; philosophy
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 13 May 2001@11:41:58.
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