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Search results for alpha,2629 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,2629
Translated headword: to make a counter-attack, to make a counter-argument
Vetting Status: high
Translation: *)antepixeirei=n occurs in
a)ntepixeirei=n is not to bring an objection to things that are being said, but to attempt to infer in reply through other [arguments] syllogistically, that what is being shown [is] not true. For the argument against the demonstration that the soul [is] not deathless, because its form is implicated in matter, and nothing which has a form implicated in matter is separable from that material: this was not an objection, but an attempt to show in reply through other [arguments] that [the soul] is eternal, by accepting that learning [is] recollection, or that [the soul is] self-moved; he is making a counter-argument, not objecting.
Greek Original:*)antepixeirei=n: para\ *)aristote/lei a)ntepixeirei=n le/getai. e)/sti de\ a)ntepixeirei=n to\ pro\s ta\ lego/mena me\n mh\ fe/rein e)/nstasin, e)pixeirei=n de\ di' a)/llwn tinw=n kai\ au)to\n pa/lin kai\ sullogi/zesqai, o(/ti mh\ a)lhqe\s to\ deiknu/menon. o( ga\r pro\s me\n to\ deiknu/nai lo/gos, o(/ti h( yuxh\ ou)k a)qa/natos, dia\ to\ ei)=dos au)th\n e)/nulon ei)=nai, mhde\n d' e)/nulon ei)=dos xwristo\n ei)=nai th=s u(/lhs, mh\ e)nista/menos, deiknu/nai de\ peirw/menos di' a)/llwn tinw=n pa/lin au)th\n o(/ti e)/stin a)/fqartos, h)/toi dia\ tou= lamba/nein, o(/ti ai( maqh/seis a)namnh/seis, h)\ o(/ti au)toki/nhtos, a)ntepixeirei=, ou)k e)ni/statai.
Keywords: definition; imagery; military affairs; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 6 July 2000@13:43:14.
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