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Headword: *)/anqrwpos
Adler number: alpha,2533
Translated headword: man
Vetting Status: high
[Man] himself becomes better than himself in five ways.[1] First, by communion with god; for it is necessary at that time when one approaches him [sc. the god], to be separated from all evil, making oneself like god in power. Second, by doing good; for this [comes] from god and from divine imitation. Third, by dying; for if, when the soul is separated to a certain extent from the body in life of the animal, it becomes better than itself, and it becomes prophetic in sleeps, by dreams, and in delirium during illnesses, much more is it improved when it is completely separated from the body.
Greek Original:
*)/anqrwpos au)to\s e(autou= belti/wn gi/netai kata\ pe/nte tro/pous, prw=ton me\n o(mili/a| th=| pro\s qeo/n: a)na/gkh ga\r prosio/nta au)tw=| kat' e)kei=no kairou= xwri/zesqai pa/shs kaki/as, ei)s du/namin o(moiou=nta e(auto\n tw=| qew=|: deu/teron e)n tw=| eu)= poiei=n: qeou= ga\r tou=to kai\ qei/as mimh/sews: tri/ton e)n tw=| a)poqnh/|skein: ei) ga\r kata\ poso/n ti h( yuxh\ tou= sw/matos e)n tw=| zh=n to\ zw=|on xwrizome/nh belti/wn gi/netai e(auth=s, e)/n te toi=s u(/pnois kata\ tou\s o)nei/rous kai\ e)n tai=s e)ksta/sesi tw=n no/swn mantikh\ gi/netai, pollw=| ma=llon beltiou=tai kai\ o(/tan te/leon xwrisqh=| a)po\ tou= sw/matos.
From an ancient Life of Pythagoras; cf. Photius, Bibliotheca 439a8-19.
[1] Only three are explicitly flagged up; trei=s is also the figure in Photius; and Aemilius Portus emended to "three" here too. Nevertheless, a fourth and a fifth way (growing prophetic during sleep or illness) are arguably implicit.
Keywords: biography; dreams; ethics; medicine; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 6 July 2000@11:57:01.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified translation; added notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 13 August 2002@08:07:44.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 2 October 2005@08:23:23.
David Whitehead (expanded notes, at the prompting of Ismo Koskinen) on 30 March 2010@04:48:36.
David Whitehead on 15 March 2012@08:29:08.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 30 July 2015@21:40:00.


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