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Search results for alpha,2405 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,2405
Translated headword: approached, arrived
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Antiphon [sc. uses this word] to mean
kaqh/kei ["came down to"],[1] whereas
Amipsias said
a)nh=ka ["I approached"] to mean
a)nabe/bhka ["I have gone up"],[2] while
Thucydides [uses]
a)nh/kousin ["they arrived [sc. at death]"] meaning they died, they came to an end.[3] And
Demosthenes [uses]
a)nh/kontos ["belonging to"] to mean
diafe/rontos ["pertaining to"].[4]
Also [sc. attested is]
a)nh/kontes ["they approaching"], [meaning] they coming to. "In speaking ability not approaching a level where something great and brilliant from it could move crowds, but in austerity of life and moulding of their habits to moderation, of such ability that they too drew crowds around them which were not at all small."[5]
a)nh=kon ["belonging to"] [means] proper to.
Greek Original:*)anh/kei: *)antifw=n a)nti\ tou= kaqh/kei, *)ameiyi/as de\ a)nh=ka a)nti\ tou= a)nabe/bhka e)/fh, *qoukudi/dhs de\ a)nh/kousin a)nti\ tou= teleutw=si, lh/gousi. kai\ *dhmosqe/nhs a)nh/kontos a)nti\ tou= diafe/rontos. kai\ *)anh/kontes, a)nelqo/ntes. th=s me\n e)n tw=| le/gein duna/mews ou)k e)pi\ tosou=ton a)nh/kontes, w(/ste me/ga ti kai\ lampro\n a)p' au)tou= dunhqh=nai ei)s o)/xlwn proagwgh/n, tw=| ge mh\n katesklhko/ti tou= bi/ou kai\ th=| ei)s metrio/thta pla/sei tw=n h)qw=n me/ga dunhqe/ntes ou)k e)la/xista kai\ ou(=toi plh/qh perieba/llonto. *)anh=kon de\ to\ pre/pon.
[1] Antiphon (the Sophist) 87 B 19 Diels-Kranz. Cited from Harpokration s.v., where however the gloss is slightly different: "to mean simple
Amipsias fr. 31 Kock (30 K.-A.).
Thucydides 3.45.3 (web address 1).
Demosthenes 60.6 -- which in fact has neuter plural
a)nh/konta, not the Suda's genitive singular
a)nh/kontos (web address 2).
[5] For this quotation, on Eleusios and Marathonios, cf.
epsilon 813 and
kappa 991.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; historiography; rhetoric
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 28 October 2001@19:18:36.
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