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Adler number: alpha,238
Translated headword: holy, holy, holy Lord
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Those who say the Lord is ten thousand times holy and those who dare to misinterpret this are clearly refuted by the [verse]: "I have sought out your countenance, your countenance, o Lord, I shall seek, do not turn your countenance from me."[1] It announces the Holy Trinity. Also the [verse] "sacrifice to the Lord the sacrifice of praise, and render to the highest your prayers," and that which follows.[2] And through these and through many other [passages] the Old [Testament] proclaims that it indicates the rule not of one person but of three hypostases on the one hand and of one essence on the other.
Those who say "holy is the crucified one," let them be gagged by the [verse]: "my soul thirsted after God, the powerful, the living."[3]
Greek Original:*(/agios, a(/gios, a(/gios ku/rios: o(/ti tou\s le/gontas, muria/kis e)sti\n a(/gios o( qeo\s, kai\ tou\s parermhneu=sai tou=to tolmw=ntas, lamprw=s e)le/gxei to\: e)cezh/thsa to\ pro/swpo/n sou, to\ pro/swpo/n sou, ku/rie, zhth/sw, mh\ a)postre/yh|s to\ pro/swpo/n sou a)p' e)mou=. th\n a(gi/an a)nakhru/ttei tria/da. kai\ to\, qu=son tw=| qew=| qusi/an ai)ne/sews kai\ a)po/dos tw=| u(yi/stw| ta\s eu)xa/s sou, kai\ ta\ e(ch=s. kai\ dia\ tou/twn kai\ di' a)/llwn pollw=n h( palaia\ khru/ttei, o(/ti ou)x e(no\s prosw/pou shmai/nei despotei/an, a)lla\ triw=n me\n u(posta/sewn, mia=s de\ ou)si/as. oi( de\ le/gontes, a(/gios o( staurwqei/s, e)pistomize/sqwsan a)po\ tou=: e)di/yhsen h( yuxh/ mou pro\s to\n qeo\n to\n i)sxuro\n, to\n zw=nta.
The headword phrase itself comes from
Isaiah 6.3
LXX (the cry of the seraphim at the death of King Uzziah); the main part of the gloss from George the Monk,
Chronicon (528.16-24, 529.6-9).
Psalm 26.8-9
LXX (27.8-9 KJV).
Psalm 49.14
LXX (50.14 KJV). What follows is "call on me in the day of tribulation," a third injunction to supplicate the Lord.
Psalm 41.3
LXX (42.3 KJV); cf.
theta 179. The addition to the
Trisagion was made by Peter the Fuller, Patriarch of
Antioch (d. 488), in order to spread the doctrine of the Theopaschites (who asserted that the Divine Nature suffered upon the cross); see
Catholic Encyclopedia at web address 1.
"Peter the Fuller," Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church 2 (1974) 1072
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: Christianity; religion
Translated by: Nathan Greenberg ✝ on 24 November 1998@14:16:09.
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