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Search results for alpha,2371 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,2371
Translated headword: prophesied, took up, took away, killed
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Meaning presaged. For the word has two meanings.[1]
The Lacedaimonians built a wall across the Isthmus. At first the god prophesied to the Athenians when they consulted the oracle that they should flee, but when they persisted, he responded to them: "far-seeing Zeus grants to the Triton-born [i.e. Athena] that the wooden wall alone will not fall; it will protect you and your children. But do not be idle and wait for the massive cavalry and infantry force coming from the continent, but turn your backs and leave the country: yet sometime you will face them. O divine
Salamis, you will destroy the women's children either when Demeter is sowing or when she is reaping."[2]
Themistocles the son of Neocles, who was disinherited on account of his liberality,[3] interpreted these things, saying the wooden walls were the ships. [And he said that] the god would not call
Salamis "divine" if she was to destroy the children of the Greeks. He advised them to wage a sea-battle near
Salamis (and on account of this he was called wise and was appointed general) and to put aside their enmity for the Aeginetans, and to abandon the city and to leave their families with the Troezenians and the Aeginetans for safe keeping. And again: "The Spartans sent to question the oracle, longing to get a cure for the curse, and it prophesied thus: 'I hold
Delos and Calabria the same and sacred Pytho and wind-swept Taenarum.'"[4]
Since[5] there are times when
a)nei=len means murdered. But
a)nelei=n is prophesying, either from taking up the spirit from above and being filled by the god, or from taking away ignorance. We also say the same
a)nelei=n in application to murdering, either from taking away the spirit deep within a man, or from the opposite, from taking up an inquiry.
*)Anelei=n is also used for the taking up and raising of exposed babies, and simply whatever someone might take up.[6]
Greek Original:*)anei=len: a)nti\ tou= e)manteu/sato. diforei=tai ga\r h( le/cis. *lakedaimo/nioi e)tei/xizon to\n *)isqmo/n. *)aqhnai/ois de\ o( qeo\s ta\ me\n prw=ta xrwme/nois a)nei=le feu/gein: liparou=si de\ e)/xrhse: tei=xos *tritogenei= cu/linon didoi= eu)ru/opa *zeu\s mou=non a)po/rqhton tele/qein, to\ se\ te/kna t' o)nh/sei. mhde\ su/ g' i(pposu/nhn te me/nein kai\ pezo\n i)o/nta pollo\n a)p' h)pei/rou strato\n h(/suxos, a)ll' u(poxwrei=n nw=ton e)pistre/yas: e)pi/ toi/ pote ka)nti/os e)/ssh|. w)= qei/a *salami\s, a)polei=s de\ su\ te/kna gunaikw=n h)/pou skidname/nhs *dhmh/teros h)\ suniou/shs. tau=ta e)chgh/sato *qemistoklh=s o( *neokle/ous, o(\s di' e)leuqerio/thta a)pekhru/xqh, tei=xos me\n cu/linon ta\s nau=s ei)pw/n. th\n de\ *salami=na qei/an ou)k a)\n o)noma/sein to\n qeo\n, ei) ta\ te/kna tw=n *(ellh/nwn e)/mellen a)pole/sein. sunebou/leuse de\ peri\ th\n *salami=na naumaxh=sai, kai\ sofo\s e)klh/qh dia\ tou=to kai\ strathgo\s a)pedei/xqh, kai\ th\n pro\s *ai)ginh/tas e)/xqran a)poqe/sqai, kai\ th\n po/lin e)klipei=n, kai\ ta\ ge/nh *troizhni/ois kai\ *ai)ginh/tais parakataqe/sqai. kai\ au)=qis: e)/pemyan oi( *spartia=tai xrhso/menoi th=s mh/nidos a)/kos labei=n glixo/menoi: kai\ a)nei=len ou(/tws: i)=son toi *dh=lo/n te *kalabri/hn te ti/qhmi *puqw/ t' h)gaqe/hn, kai\ *tai/naron h)nemo/essan. e)pei\ e)/stin o(/te to\ a)nei=len a)nti\ tou= e)fo/neuse lamba/netai. a)nelei=n de\ to\ manteu/esqai, h)\ a)po\ tou= a)/nwqen lamba/nein to\ pneu=ma kai\ plhrou=sqai tou= qeou=, h)\ a)po\ tou= a)nelei=n th\n a)/gnoian. to\ au)to\ de\ kai\ e)pi\ tou= foneu/ein fame\n a)nelei=n h)\ a)po\ tou= a)/nw lamba/nein to\ e)n ba/qei pneu=ma tou= a)ndro\s h)\ e)k tou= e)nanti/ou, a)po\ tou= a)nelei=n th\n gnw=sin. le/getai de\ a)nelei=n kai\ to\ a)nalabei=n ta\ e)/kqeta bre/fh kai\ tre/fein, kai\ a(plw=s o(/per a)/n tis a)nalamba/noito.
[1] From the
scholia to
Laws 856E, where the headword verb appears. This material resumes in the third paragraph, below. See also
Lexicon alpha1808.
[2] This story derives from
Herodotus, and the quoted passage is from 7.141. See web address 1 for that text, and again briefly at
tau 1133; and cf. the
scholia to
Knights 1040.
[3] The fact that
Themistocles had recently been disowned by his father for wasting the estate is not found in
Herodotus, but comes probably from
Themistocles 2.
Ephorus FGrH 70 F150 (quoted in
Strabo 8.6.14) and
Pausanias 2.33.2. The text there has
Kalaureian for
Kalabrian. See web address 2, and
kappa 188.
[5] See note 1 above.
*)Anairei=n literally means "take up", but does have a number of corollary meanings, a few of which are not mentioned here. Cf. already
alpha 2248, and see web address 3 for the LSJ entry.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3
Keywords: biography; children; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; history; imagery; military affairs; mythology; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 5 November 2000@00:27:05.
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