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Search results for alpha,2353 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,2353
Translated headword: offered
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning he/she/it] referred.
"[...] who did not offer his life to a transitory and empty doctrine, but handed everything over to the gods and did everything on that basis."[1]
Greek Original:*)ane/feren: a)ne/pempen. o(/s ge ou) pro\s th\n paratre/xousan kai\ kenh\n do/can a)ne/fere to\n e(autou= bi/on, a)lla\ pa/nta ei)s to\ qei=on u(pertiqei\s e)kei=qen pa/nta e)/pratten.
The headword is perhaps, though not demonstrably, extracted from the quotation given. For this verb see also
alpha 2352,
alpha 2354,
alpha 2355.
[1] Quotation unidentifiable. (Attributed to
Polybius by Valckenaer, to
Aelian by Adler.)
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; historiography; religion
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 3 November 2000@16:34:41.
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