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Search results for alpha,2346 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,2346
Translated headword: they found
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "And they found both Mary and Joseph."[1] The prefix ana is there for the sake of style: just like kerdai/nw [and] parakerdai/nw [each meaning "I profit"], and klhronomw= and a)poklhronomw= [each meaning "I inherit"]. And both e)tru/ghsa and a)petru/ghsa have the same meaning ["I reaped"].
Greek Original:*)aneu=ron: kai\ a)neu=ron th/n te *maria\m kai\ to\n *)iwsh/f. o(/ti h( a)na\ pro/qesis xa/rin ko/smou kei=tai: w(/sper kai\ to\ kerdai/nw, parakerdai/nw, kai\ klhronomw=, a)poklhronomw=. th=s au)th=s e)sti noh/sews kai\ to\ e)tru/ghsa kai\ a)petru/ghsa.
The headword is extracted from the New Testament quotation given. The source of the comment is unidentifiable.
[1] Luke 2:16.
Keywords: Christianity; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; religion
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 2 November 2000@20:23:50.
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