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Search results for alpha,2310 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,2310
Translated headword: I was tossing in the air, they were tossing in the air
Vetting Status: high
Translation: I was/they were undertaking.[1] Also [sc. attested is the phrase] "the die has been thrown"; in effect, has been put at risk.[2] "So speak, as I have been tossed by you, your final throw of the die."[3]
Greek Original:*)ane/rripton: a)nela/mbanon. kai\ *)ane/rriptai ku/bos: oi(=on a)pokekindu/neutai. fra/ze toi/nun, w(s e)gw/ soi pa=s a)ne/rrimmai ku/bos.
[1] For this gloss see already
alpha 2047. The two verbs
a)narri/ptw and
a)nalamba/nw are quite different in basic meanings: "toss in the air" versus "pick up from the ground," but may both be used of "undertaking" missions that are risky or dangerous, such as battles. The forms of the imperfect verbs may be, as usual, either first person singular or third person plural.
[2] This phrase for risking everything was already in general use when Julius Caesar used it for his decision to cross the Rubicon and invade the Roman homeland, as reported in
Plutarch's life (
Caesar 32), probably from the lost eye-witness account of Asinius Pollio. See
epsilon 3013,
kappa 2591,
kappa 2601.
Aristophanes, fr.929 PCG vol.3.2 (= 673 Kock). This metaphor for one's life as a gambled die must be spoken by a person who finds his or her life or well-being put at risk by another as their last chance. See
kappa 1633. See Taillardat's note on this metaphor and his translation, "So speak, for I am your last chance" (
Images d'Aristophane, p.488). For this use of
pa=s ku/bos as the final decisive throw of the dice (cf.
Greek Anthology 5.24) in board games, see Taillardat's edition of the lost work of
Suetonius On Games, pp.153-4, and Kokolakis pp.9ff.
Kokolakis, M.M. *morfologi/a th=s kubeutikh=s metafora=s (1965)
Suetonius, *peri\ blasfhmi/wn, *peri\ paidi/wn, ed. J. Taillardat (Paris 1967) 27-44, 64-73 (text reconstructed from Eustathius, Etymologicum Magnum, etc.), 80, 88-90, 104-13, 149-61 (notes)
Taillardat, J., Les Images d'Aristophane (Paris, 1965), cf. his article in REG 64 (1951) 4-9
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; history; imagery; military affairs; proverbs
Translated by: Robert Dyer on 29 May 2000@15:46:04.
Vetted by:William Hutton (Added citation; corrected typo) on 30 May 2000@00:19:03.
Robert Dyer (Changed translation and notes to reflect Taillardat's work on the "decisive throw of the die" and to bring the entry into line with Pi,222,223)) on 4 November 2001@15:52:43.
Robert Dyer (Removed references to Pi,222,223 as irrelevant.) on 4 November 2001@15:59:23.
Robert Dyer (Added useful observations of Taillardat in his Images.) on 9 November 2001@15:20:02.
Robert Dyer on 3 March 2002@11:16:57.
Robert Dyer (added ref) on 3 March 2002@15:48:08.
David Whitehead (augmented note; cosmetics) on 6 August 2002@06:10:20.
Elizabeth Vandiver (Added italics; cosmetics) on 1 October 2005@14:45:07.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 28 November 2005@10:20:02.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 5 March 2012@05:42:06.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 31 December 2014@16:02:39.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticules) on 16 July 2015@21:32:13.
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