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Headword: *)anepo/pteuton
Adler number: alpha,2303
Translated headword: not-fully-initiated
Vetting Status: high
The [term that means] not being admitted to the grade of epoptes [in the Eleusinian Mysteries]; so Hyperides [sc. uses the word].[1] What admission to the grade of epoptes means, Philochorus shows when he says: "he is wronging all the mystic things and all the epoptic things". And elsewhere: "so for Demetrius something special and unique happened: becoming a semi-initiate [mystes] at the same time as a full-initiate [epoptes] and side-stepping the traditional times of the rite".[2]
Greek Original:
*)anepo/pteuton: to\ mh\ e)popteu=on: ou(/tws *(uperi/dhs. to\ de\ *)epopteu=sai dhloi= *filo/xoros le/gwn: a)dikei= pa/nta ta/ te mustika\ kai\ ta\ e)poptika/. kai\ pa/lin: *dhmhtri/w| me\n ou)=n i)/dio/n ti ge/gone para\ tou\s a)/llous, to\ mo/non muhqh=nai/ te a(/ma kai\ e)popteu=sai kai\ tou\s patri/ous xro/nous th=s teleth=s metakinhqh=nai.
Abridged from Harpokration s.v., where the headword is nominative case, not the Suda's accusative.
[1] Hyperides fr. 174 Jensen (from the lost speech Against Phryne).
[2] Philochorus FGrH 328 F69b and 70b. The 'Demetrius' in question is the early-Hellenistic king Demetrius Poliorcetes, for whom the usual rules were waived, so making possible his initiation to all the degrees on the same day (and without the normal preparations).
G.E. Mylonas, Eleusis and the Eleusinian Mysteries (Princeton 1961)
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; historiography; history; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 5 October 2000@08:10:24.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added note and keywords; cosmetics) on 6 August 2002@04:37:03.
William Hutton (Cosmetics) on 21 October 2002@21:32:48.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 27 June 2011@10:24:48.
David Whitehead (typo) on 4 March 2012@09:32:51.
David Whitehead on 15 July 2015@02:59:41.


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