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Headword: *)anele/geto
Adler number: alpha,2245
Translated headword: used to read through
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning he/she/it] used to go over, used to practice.
"Simonides had as good a memory as anyone. Apollonius the Tyanian was like him. He kept his voice silent, but used to read through quite a lot.[1] And his memory remained stronger than Simonides' when he was a hundred years old. And he had a certain song on memory, which he sang, and in which he said everything was wasted by time, but time itself was everlasting and undying because of memory."[2]
It is written: and a certain song was sung [by him] on memory.[3]
Greek Original:
*)anele/geto: a)nepo/lei, e)chskei=to. o( de\ *simwni/dhs diamnhmoniko/s tis h)=n, ei)/per tis a)/llos. tou/tw| d' h)=n e)oikw\s *)apollw/nios o( *tuaneu/s, o(\s th\n me\n fwnh\n siwph=| katei=xe, plei=sta de\ a)nele/geto. kai\ to\ mnhmoniko\n e(katontou/ths geno/menos e)/rrwto u(pe\r to\n *simwni/dhn. kai\ u(/mnos au)tw=| ti/s e)stin ei)s mnhmosu/nhn, o(\n h)=|den, e)n w(=| pa/nta me\n u(po\ tou= xro/nou marai/nesqai/ fhsin, au)to/n ge mh\n to\n xro/non a)gh/rw te kai\ a)qa/naton u(po\ th=s mnhmosu/nhs ei)=nai. gra/fetai: kai\ u(/mnos au)tw=| tis e)s th\n mnhmosu/nhn h)/|deto.
The headword is presumably extracted from the quotation given.
[1] Note the attribution of silent reading to Apollonius (on whom see generally alpha 3420).
[2] Philostratus, Life of Apollonius of Tyana 1.14. (This material recurs in alpha 3420.)
[3] For a fuller version of this see sigma 439.
Keywords: biography; chronology; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; meter and music; poetry; rhetoric
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 20 June 2000@12:30:39.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (Altered wording, added note and keyword.) on 19 August 2000@02:04:23.
David Whitehead (augmented and rearranged notes; added keyword; cosmetics) on 7 March 2001@08:58:25.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 5 August 2002@02:46:59.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaking) on 2 March 2012@08:09:09.


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