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Adler number: alpha,2184
Translated headword: abduction, seizure
Vetting Status: high
Translation: If an Athenian man died outside Attica, and those in that polis in which the deed was done did not hand over the person who seemed to be responsible, the law allowed three of his associates to be brought to
Athens to stand trial for the murder; and this was called
Demosthenes in the [speech]
Against Aristokrates [mentions this]: in addition, if they neither submit to trial for what has happened nor hand over the perpetrators, the law prescribes
androlepsion against them to a limit of three men.[2]
androlepsia [is] seizing men from a certain city; for they used to extract guarantees from the city which was housing the murderer and not yielding him up for punishment. And this was called
Greek Original:*)androlhyi/a kai\ *)androlh/yion: e)a\n e)/cw th=s *)attikh=s a)nh\r *)aqhnai=os e)teleu/thse, kai\ mh\ e)cedi/dosan oi( e)n e)kei/nh| th=| po/lei, e)n h(=| to\ e)/rgon e)pra/xqh, to\n dokou=nta e)n th=| ai)ti/a| ei)=nai, e)fei=to e)k tou= no/mou trei=s tw=n e)kei/nw| u(po/ntwn a)/gein ei)s *)aqh/nas di/khn u(fe/contas tou= fo/nou: kai\ tou=to a)ndrolh/yion e)kalei=to. *dhmosqe/nhs e)n tw=| kata\ *)aristokra/tous: pro\s de\ tou/tois o( no/mos, e)a\n mh/te di/kas u(po/sxwsi, par' oi(=s a)\n to\ pa/qos ge/nhtai, mh/te tou\s dedrako/tas e)kdidw=si, keleu/ei kata\ tou/twn ei)=nai me/xri triw=n to\ a)ndrolh/yion. *)androlhyi/a ou)=n to\ a(rpa/zein a)/ndras e)/k tinos po/lews: h)nexu/razon ga\r th\n e)/xousan po/lin to\n a)ndrofo/non kai\ mh\ proi+eme/nhn au)to\n ei)s timwri/an. kai\ tou=to e)kalei=to a)ndrolhyi/a.
See generally D.M. MacDowell,
Athenian Homicide Law in the Age of the Orators (Manchester 1963) 27-31, 149.
[1] MacDowell 27 follows J.H. Lipsius,
Das attische Recht und Rechtsverfahren (Leipzig 1905-15) 267 n.10, in believing that
androlepsia is the seizure and
androlepsion the right to make it.
Demosthenes 23.82-83, semi-quoted here (cf. web address 1).
[3] At this point the entry, which had begun by drawing on
scholia to
Demosthenes 23.84, incorporates the equivalent one in Harpokration.
Alberto Maffi, "Analisi di un'istituzione giudiziaria: il lemma sull' androlepsia." Il lessico Suda e la memoria del passato a Bisanzio : atti della Giornata di studio (Milano, 29 aprile 1998), ed. Giuseppe Zecchini (Bari: Edipuglia, 1999) pp. 29-33.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: daily life; definition; ethics; law; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 5 October 2000@07:42:37.
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