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Search results for alpha,2129 in Adler number:
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Headword: *)anaxa/zontes
Adler number: alpha,2129
Translated headword: retreating
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning they who are] withdrawing.[1]
Xenophon [writes]: "[they were] pursuing and retreating again."[2] [That is] marching backwards.
Greek Original:
*)anaxa/zontes: a)naxwrou=ntes. *cenofw=n: e)pidiw/kontes kai\ pa/lin a)naxa/zontes. o)pi/sw poreuo/menoi.
[1] The headword a)naxa/zontes -- present participle, masculine nominative plural, of a)naxa/zw -- is presumably extracted from the quotation given. For this glossing of it cf. the scholia on a)naxazome/noio in Homer, Iliad 17.47.
[2] Xenophon, Anabasis 4.1.16 (web address 1).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 26 October 2000@16:09:52.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added keyword; cosmetics) on 6 March 2001@08:01:16.
David Whitehead (added note; cosmetics) on 2 August 2002@04:53:28.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 29 February 2012@05:48:22.
Catharine Roth (upgraded link) on 13 August 2013@00:06:19.
David Whitehead on 9 July 2015@10:44:53.


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