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Headword: *)/agh
Adler number: alpha,212
Translated headword: awe, curse, charm; breaking
Vetting Status: high
It is indeclinable.[1]
[It means][2] wonder, delight, disbelief, eagerness; in Herodotus, malice;[3] in Homer, amazement, shock, smashing, breaking, destruction;[4] some [define it as] sacrificial offerings.
So a)/gh, paroxytone, [means] amazement; but a)gh/ [is] the breaking of the wave.[5]
Greek Original:
*)/agh. a)/klito/n e)sti. qau=ma, xara\, a)pisti/a, zh=los, par' *(hrodo/tw| baskani/a, par' *(omh/rw| e)/kplhcis, plhgh\, qrau=sis, kla/sis, a)pw/leia: e)/nioi, i(erei=a. *)/agh me\n ou)=n parocuto/nws h( e)/kplhcis: *)agh\ de\ h( kla/sis tou= ku/matos.
[1] (A marginal addition, Adler reports, in ms M.) The word occurs only in the nominative singular in Homer, where it appears related to the indeclinable adverb a)/gan 'too much'. E. Risch takes it as a rare disyllabic root ending in a vowel, cf. the related verb a)/gamai 'admire' (Wortbildung der homerischen Sprache §3d, p.4). See H.-J. Mette's brief but useful entry in Lexikon des frühgriechischen Epos I (fasc. 1, 1955) 62-63. It is, however, declined in later Greek as a first declension noun.
[2] This paragraph is also in other lexica; references at Photius alpha160 Theodoridis.
[3] Herodotus 6.61.1.
[4] Homer, Iliad 21.221. In its only other uses in Homer, Odyssey 16.243 and 3.227, it is used in the phrase a)/gh m' e)/xei 'shock holds me'. It is necessary there to replace its synonyms qa/mbos and se/bas to suit the metre. Mette translates it, "Gefuehl, dass der Gespraechspartner etwas Ausserordentliches, das Mass Ueberschreitendes tut oder sagt" ("the feeling that the other person in the conversation is doing or saying something extraordinary that oversteps the limits").
[5] The latter word is certainly related to the verb a)/gnumi 'break', probably different from the root for amazement at that which breaks the limits, underlying the headword.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; historiography; religion
Translated by: William Hutton on 22 October 2000@21:40:00.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 11 February 2001@11:26:24.
Robert Dyer (Added grammatical and lexical comments to notes. Raised status) on 2 May 2002@17:02:33.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 2 January 2012@09:44:07.
David Whitehead (another note) on 18 August 2013@06:52:17.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 15 December 2014@16:07:36.


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