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Headword: *)anaumaxi/ou
Adler number: alpha,2115
Translated headword: for anaumachion, for non-naval-fighting
Vetting Status: high
Just as there were penalties prescribed in the laws for not going on an expedition[1] and for leaving one's post [ta/cis] [2] and for throwing away one's arms,[3] so also for fighting at sea. This was called the fine for anaumachion ['non-naval-fighting'], as in Andocides.[4] Thus it is necessary that both they and their descendants be without rights [a)/timos].[5]
Greek Original:
*)anaumaxi/ou: w(s tou= mh\ strateu/esqai kai\ tou= lei/pein th\n ta/cin kai\ tou= ta\ o(/pla a)pobalei=n zhmi/ai h)=san w(risme/nai e)k tw=n no/mwn, ou(/tw kai\ tou= naumaxh=sai. tou=to to\ o)/flhma a)naumaxi/ou e)kalei=to, w(s *)andoki/dhs. ou(/tw de\ dei= kai\ au)tou\s kai\ tou\s e)c au)tw=n a)ti/mous ei)=nai.
The headword is in the genitive case, as it is in the phrase o)flhma a)naumaxi/ou ('fine for non-naval-fighting'). See also nu 64.
For the passage as a whole, cf. Lexica Segueriana 217.21 (which, however, reads "so also for *not* fighting at sea"). MacDowell (1962) p.111 and others have suggested that anaumachion describes the offense of a trierarch's withholding his ship from action. MacDowell further suggests that the offense may be the naval equivalent of astrateia, that is, that it may refer to a sailor's failure to join the navy when obliged. A further possibility (which I discuss in Hamel, 403-5) is that anaumachion is rather the naval analogue of lipotaxion, referring to a sailor's failure to board his ship prior to an engagement.
[1] The offense of astrateia.
[2] The offense of lipotaxion.
[3] The offense of rhipsaspia.
[4] Andocides (1.74 [Web address 1]) writes of those who are "found guilty of anaumachion": a)naumaxi/ou o)/floien. The appearance there of the verb o)/floien may explain the Suda's odd construction to\ o)/flhma a)naumaxi/ou. For the offense see also Pollux 8.40, 42-43.
[5] For a discussion of Andocides' treatment of atimia at 1.73-79 (Web address 1) see Hansen (1976) pp. 82-90.
Caillemer, E. 1877-1919: "Anaumachiou Graphe", in Dictionnaire des antiquités grecques et romaines. Edd. C. Daremberg and M. Edmond Saglio. Paris.
Hansen, Mogens Herman. 1976: Apagoge, Endeixis and Ephegesis against Kakourgoi, Atimoi and Pheugontes. Odense.
Hamel, Debra. 1998: "Coming to terms with lipotaxion", GRBS 39, 361-405.
MacDowell, Douglas M. 1962: Andokides: On the Mysteries. Oxford.
Rosenberg, Emil. 1876: "Über das attische Militärstrafgesetz". Philologus 34, 65-73.
Thalheim, Th. 1877: "Das attische Militärstrafgesetz und Lysias 14,7". Neue Jahrbücher für Philologie und Paedagogik. 115, 269-272.
Thalheim, Th. 1894: a)naumaxi/ou grafh/. RE col. 2075.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: definition; law; military affairs; rhetoric
Translated by: Debra Hamel on 13 July 1999@23:24:48.
Vetted by:
David Mirhady on 17 December 1999@17:42:09.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 4 October 2000@05:28:10.
David Whitehead (added note and keywords; updated bibliography; restorative cosmetics) on 2 August 2002@04:10:08.
William Hutton (modified headword and first note, cosmetics, tagging, added link, set status) on 17 December 2003@11:03:36.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 18 December 2003@03:03:43.
Catharine Roth (cosmetics and coding) on 2 January 2015@00:07:09.


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