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Headword: *)ana/statoi
Adler number: alpha,2082
Translated headword: anastatoi
Vetting Status: high
A type of flat-cake. These used to be made for the Arrêphoroi themselves.[1] Certain flat-cakes called charisioi ["thank-offering cakes"] also used to be spoken of. These were mixed and made from the leftovers, and craftsmen [still?] shape them. Aristophanes in Banqueters [writes]: "I will send some thank-offering cakes in the evenings."[2] The amphiphôntes are made in the month of Mounychion on the sixteenth, and they are brought into the shrine of Artemis Mounychia.[3] As to why their name is amphiphôntes,[4] some [say that it is] because they are made at the time when the sun and the moon appear early over the earth; but Apollodorus [says that it is] because they fasten bundles of firewood to them when bringing them. But a phthoïs are[sic!] pastries, which they used to sacrifice to the gods with the intestines.[5] Moon-cakes [selênai] are wide pastries, circular; and pelanoi [are] pastries for the gods; but popana ["round-cakes"] [are different again]; and in Erechtheus Euripides called moon-cakes pelanoi: "and tell me, for you are sending from home a great pelanos, of these moon-cakes of a first fiery sprouting."[6] Besides six mooncakes they used to dress a "seventh ox", which had horns replicating the early moon. Accordingly they would sacrifice this ox in addition to four round-cakes and call it "fifth ox". But rather, "seventh ox" in addition to the six [mooncakes]. In reference to those who are unfeeling.[7]
Greek Original:
*)ana/statoi: plakou=ntos ei)=dos. ou(=toi de\ au)tai=s tai=s *)arrhfo/rois e)gi/nonto. e)le/gonto de/ tines plakou=ntes kai\ xari/sioi. ou(=toi de\ a)po\ tw=n kataleipome/nwn summignu/menoi e)gi/nonto, kai\ dhmiourgoi\ pla/ssousin. *)aristofa/nhs *daitaleu=si: pe/myw plakou=ntas e(spe/ras xarisi/ous. oi( de\ a)mfifw=ntes gi/nontai *mounuxiw=nos mhno\s #2# e)pi\ de/ka, oi(\ kai\ ei)s to\ *mounuxi/as i(ero\n th=s *)arte/midos komi/zontai. o)noma/zontai de\ a)mfifw=ntes, w(s me/n tines o(/ti to/te gi/gnontai, o(/te h(/lio/s te kai\ selh/nh prwi\+ u(pe\r gh=s fai/nontai: w(s de\ *)apollo/dwros, o(/ti komi/zousin au)tou\s da|di/a h(mme/na paraphgnu/ntes e)p' au)tw=n. fqo/i+s de/ ei)si pe/mmata, a(\ toi=s qeoi=s kai\ meta\ tw=n spla/gxnwn e)/quon. ai( de\ selh=nai pe/mmata/ ei)si plate/a, kukloterh=: pe/lanoi de\ ta\ ei)s qeou\s pe/mmata: po/pana de/: kai\ e)n *)erexqei= ta\s selh/nas pela/nous ei)/rhken *eu)ripi/dhs: kai/ moi polu\n ga\r pe/lanon e)kpe/mpeis do/mwn, fra/son selh/nas ta/sde puri/mou xlo/hs. e)pi\ de\ e(\c selh/nais bou=n e(/bdomon e)/petton, ke/rata e)/xonta kata\ mi/mhsin th=s prwtofuou=s selh/nhs. e)/quon me\n ou)=n kai\ e)pi\ te/ttarsi popa/nois tou=ton to\n bou=n kai\ e)ka/loun au)to\n pe/mpton bou=n. ma=llon de\ e)pi\ tai=s e(\c e(/bdomon bou=n. e)pi\ tw=n a)naisqh/twn.
The first part of this entry is expanded from Photius, Lexicon alpha1675 Theodoridis.
For a different sense of this headword see alpha 2081.
[1] See generally alpha 3863; and for the point cf. Athenaeus, Deipnosophists 3.114A (3.80 Kaibel).
[2] A garbled version of Aristophanes fr. 202 Kock, now 211 Kassel-Austin. (It is even worse at chi 121, q.v.)
[3] cf. Plutarch, Moralia 349F.
[4] What now follows has already appeared, more briefly, at alpha 1781.
[5] cf. phi 507.
[6] Euripides fr. 350; cf. sigma 204.
[7] cf. beta 458 and epsilon 25.
Keywords: chronology; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; proverbs; religion; tragedy; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 19 December 2001@12:22:45.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified translation; augmented notes and keywords) on 20 December 2001@06:33:09.
David Whitehead (modified translation) on 30 March 2005@02:26:32.
David Whitehead (more notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 28 February 2012@06:01:55.
David Whitehead on 21 August 2013@08:14:25.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 13 January 2015@23:56:51.
David Whitehead (expanded a ref) on 14 January 2015@03:50:48.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 7 July 2015@08:34:25.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation on the basis of a suggestion of Brady Kiesling) on 27 December 2016@14:05:25.


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