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Headword: *)ana/statos
Adler number: alpha,2081
Translated headword: evicted, desolate
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning someone or something] overturned. Also [sc. attested is the related adverb] a)nasta/tws, [meaning] destroyedly.[1]
[sc. anastatos is the term for] the man who, on account of some chance or lawsuit, left his own [land] and is now in a foreign one.[2] The [term] anastaton is also said of conquered cities and abandoned houses.
Greek Original:
*)ana/statos: katestramme/nos. kai\ *)anasta/tws, peporqhme/nws. o( dia/ tina sumfora\n h)\ di/khn katalipw\n th\n oi)kei/an kai\ e)n th=| a)llodaph=| diageno/menos. ei)/rhtai de\ kai\ e)pi\ po/lewn e(alwkuiw=n kai\ oi)/kwn e)cerhmwqe/ntwn to\ a)na/staton.
For a different sense of the headword see alpha 2082.
[1] Same or similar material in other lexica; references at Photius alpha1670-1671 Theodoridis.
[2] Similarly, post-Suda, in Etymologicum Magnum 100.9-10.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; history; law; military affairs
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 19 October 2000@23:05:51.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified translation; added keywords; cosmetics) on 6 March 2001@06:20:20.
David Whitehead (restorative cosmetics) on 1 August 2002@08:47:13.
David Whitehead (notes; another keyword; betacode and other cosmetics) on 28 February 2012@05:56:43.
David Whitehead on 21 August 2013@08:11:54.
David Whitehead (another note) on 4 July 2015@09:12:59.


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