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Search results for alpha,2019 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,2019
Translated headword: to fall back
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [To fall back] is the word for being despondent among the ancients. To fall back is [properly applied to][1] the heart, as being despondent, being neglectful.[2] But
Cratinus uses this term for rowers, rowing and reclining.[3]
Also [sc. attested is]
a)napesei=n,[4] [meaning] to recline.
Greek Original:*)anapi/ptein to\ a)qumei=n le/getai para\ toi=s palaioi=s. a)napi/ptein e)pi\ yuxh=s e)stin, oi(=on a)qumei=n, o)ligwrei=n. *krati=nos de\ e)pi\ tw=n e)retw=n ke/xrhtai th=| le/cei, e)resso/ntwn kai\ a)naklinome/nwn. kai\ *)anapesei=n, a)nakliqh=nai.
See also
alpha 2018. The source for both is
Deipnosophists 1.23B (1.42 Kaibel). See further below, nn.1-2.
Athenaeus has this adverb,
[2] So the Suda mss,
o)ligwrei=n; but
o)ligodranei=n (
Athenaeus), "to be feeble", looks better.
Cratinus fr. 345 Kock, now 332 K.-A.
[4] The same verb, but aorist infinitive rather than present.
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; military affairs
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 17 October 2000@01:01:38.
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