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Search results for alpha,1998 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,1998
Translated headword: rest
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] repose.[1]
Repose [is] the life to come.[2]
"[Mebod] with other most worthy men providing a respite from the war."[3]
Menander [writes]: "for thus the greatest leader of the Huns came upon his rest."[4] That is, he died.
Also [sc. attested is the accusative plural]
a)napau/las ["rests"], [meaning] sendings to the dead. "Who is [bound] for rests from evils and troubles?"[5] Charon [
Myth] announces [this], and lists as destinations. "Who is for the Plain of Oblivion?" The Plain of Oblivion is a place of this name that he has imagined in Hades; as also the Withering Stone.[6] "Who is for Ass Shearings?" Thus they call what is useless; for not even the shearings of the ass have a use. In reference to endless things.
Greek Original:*)ana/paulan: a)na/pausin. a)na/pausis de\ o( me/llwn bi/os. su\n e(te/rois a)ciologwta/tois a)ndra/si tw=| pole/mw| dou\s th\n a)na/paulan. *me/nandros: w(di\ ga\r *ou)/nnwn h(gemw\n me/gistos e)/tuxen a)napau/lhs. tou/testin a)pe/qane. kai\ *)anapau/las, pe/myeis pro\s tou\s nekrou/s. ti/s ei)s a)napau/las e)k kakw=n kai\ pragma/twn; khru/ssei o( *xa/rwn, kai\ w(s to/pous katale/gei: ti/s ei)s to\ *lh/qhs pedi/on; *lh/qhs pedi/on xwri/on diatetu/pwken e)n a(/|dou ou(/tw lego/menon: w(s kai\ *au)ai/nou li/qon. ti/s ei)s o)/nou po/kas; ou(/tw le/gousi to\ a)/xrhston: ou)de\ ga\r ai( tou= o)/nou po/kai xrhsimeu/ousin. e)pi\ tw=n a)nhnu/twn.
The headword noun is in the accusative case, evidently quoted from somewhere; there are numerous possibilities.
[1] Same glossing in other lexica.
[2] A gloss on the gloss, apparently from a Christian source.
[3] Theophylact Simocatta,
Histories 3.15.7, on veteran Persian envoy and military commander Mebod's negotiations with the invading Romans in 576-577; cf. de Boor (141) and Whitby (96). On Mebod, see PLRE IIIb s.v. Mebodes(2),
alpha 3098,
beta 532,
epsilon 2058,
epsilon 3969, and
kappa 527. Theophylact simply calls Mebod
*sarnaxorga/nhs (cf. de Boor (141-142)), but as Martindale (868) points out, this is a Persian title rendered into Greek, not a name.
Menander Protector fr. 29 Blockley (242-243). There is no context for this unplaced fragment that would help identify the Hunnic leader; cf. Blockley (286 note 322).
Frogs 185-6 (web address 1), here and below (with the comments of the
scholia in the interstices); cf.
lambda 416,
tau 655.
[6] ibid. 194.
C. de Boor, ed., Theophylacti Simocattae Historiae, (Leipzig 1887, reprint 2022)
M. Whitby and M. Whitby, eds. and trans., The History of Theophylact Simocatta, (Oxford 1986)
J.R. Martindale, The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire, vol. IIIb, (Cambridge, 1992)
R.C. Blockley, ed. and trans., The History of Menander the Guardsman, (Cambridge 1985)
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; Christianity; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; historiography; history; military affairs; mythology; proverbs; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 12 May 2001@12:07:35.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (supplemented translation; augmented notes; added keywords; cosmetics) on 14 May 2001@09:29:55.
Elizabeth Vandiver (Modified link) on 7 November 2003@18:15:59.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 3 January 2012@04:40:47.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; betacode and other cosmetics) on 26 February 2012@06:31:29.
David Whitehead on 21 August 2013@06:37:37.
Catharine Roth (typo, coding) on 17 November 2013@23:21:01.
David Whitehead (another x-ref) on 23 January 2014@07:11:06.
Catharine Roth (tweaked link) on 5 July 2015@00:07:55.
Ronald Allen (expanded n.4, added bibliography) on 3 August 2024@11:57:39.
Ronald Allen (typo translation) on 3 August 2024@16:37:28.
Ronald Allen (tweaked translation after discussion with Catharine Roth) on 9 December 2024@12:37:44.
Ronald Allen (expanded n.3, added to bibliography, added cross-references) on 10 December 2024@11:18:23.
Ronald Allen (augmented n.3, typo) on 13 December 2024@11:13:31.
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