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Search results for alpha,1989 in Adler number:
Adler number: alpha,1989
Translated headword: Anaximenes
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Son of
Aristocles, of Lampsacus, rhetor; pupil of
Diogenes the Cynic and the grammarian Zoilus of
Amphipolis,[1] who abused
Homer; teacher of Alexander of Macedon, and accompanied him on his campaigns.
When[2] king Alexander was angry with the people of Lampsacus, this man got round him by the following trick. The people of Lampsacus were pro-Persian; Alexander was furiously angry, and threatened to do them massive harm. They, trying to save their women, their children and their homeland, sent
Anaximenes to intercede. Alexander knew why he had come, and swore by the gods that he would do the opposite of what he asked; so
Anaximenes said, 'Please do this for me, your majesty: enslave the women and children of Lampsacus, burn their temples, and raze the city to the ground.' Alexander had no way round this clever trick, and because he was bound by his oath he reluctantly pardoned the people of Lampsacus.
Anaximenes also retaliated against
Theopompus,[3] son of
Damostratus, in an ingenious though malicious way. Since he was a sophist and could imitate the style of the sophists, he wrote a book addressed to the Athenians and Spartans, a defamatory treatise, exactly imitating him. He attached
Theopompus' name to it, and sent it to the cities. As a result, hostility to
Theopompus was increased throughout Greece. Moreover, no one before
Anaximenes had invented improvised speeches.
Greek Original:*)anacime/nhs, *)aristokle/ous, *lamyakhno\s, r(h/twr: maqhth\s *dioge/nous tou= *kuno\s kai\ *zwi/+lou tou= *)amfipoli/tou grammatikou=, tou= kaki/zontos *(/omhron, dida/skalos de\ tou= *makedo/nos *)aleca/ndrou. ei(/peto de\ au)tw=| e)n toi=s pole/mois. ou(=tos basile/a *)ale/candron, qumw=| xrw/menon e)s *lamyakhnou\s, te/xnh| periei=le toia=|de. fronou/ntwn *lamyakhnw=n ta\ *persw=n, u(perze/wn tw=| qumw=| *)ale/candros h)pei/lei ta\ me/gista kaka\ e)rga/sasqai. oi( de\, a(/te peri\ gunaikw=n kai\ pai/dwn kai\ th=s patri/dos qe/ontes, a)poste/llousin *)anacime/nhn i(keteu/sonta. *)ale/candros de\ gnou\s kaq' h(/ntina ai)ti/an h(/koi, katwmo/sato qeou\s, h)= mh\n au)tou= tai=s deh/sesi ta)nanti/a e)rga/sesqai. *)anacime/nhs de/, xa/risai/ moi, e)/fh, w)= basileu=, th\n xa/rin, gunai=kas kai\ te/kna tw=n *lamyakhnw=n a)ndrapodi/sasqai kai\ ta\ i(era\ e)mprh=sai kai\ th\n po/lin e)s e)/dafos katabalei=n. *)ale/candros de\ ou)k e)/xwn ti pro\s tou=to sofi/sasqai h)\ a)ntimhxanh/sasqai kai\ e)nexo/menos th=| a)na/gkh| tou= o(/rkou, suggnw/mhn e)/nemen ou)k e)qe/lwn *lamyakhnoi=s. h)mu/nato de\ kai\ *qeo/pompon, to\n *damostra/tou, e)xqro\n o)/nta *)anacime/nhs ou)k a)maqe/stata, a)ll' e)pifqonw/tata. sofisth\s ga\r w)\n kai\ sofistw=n lo/gous mimou/menos, gra/fei bibli/on e)s *)aqhnai/ous kai\ e)pi\ *lakedaimoni/ous, suggrafh\n loi/doron e)s to\ a)kribe/staton mimhsa/menos: kai\ e)pigra/yas *qeopo/mpou to\ o)/noma e)/pempen e)s ta\s po/leis. kai\ e)k tou/tou to\ e)/xqos to\ e)s *qeo/pompon a)na\ pa=san th\n *(ella/da hu)/ceto. ou) mh\n ou)de\ ei)pei=n tis au)tosxedi/ws *)anacime/nous pro/tero/s e)stin eu(rhkw/s.
Keywords: biography; children; chronology; epic; ethics; geography; historiography; history; philosophy; religion; rhetoric; women
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 27 February 2000@18:06:38.
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