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Headword: *)anacago/ras
Adler number: alpha,1981
Translated headword: Anaxagoras
Vetting Status: high
A sophist, son of Hegesibulus, of Clazomenae. He was nicknamed 'Mind', since he said that matter and mind are the guardian of all things. This is the man who said that the sun is a red-hot mass.[1]
That is, a fiery stone.
He was exiled from Athens, [despite] Pericles speaking in his defence, and he came to Lampsacus and there he starved himself to death. He put an end to his life at the age of 70, because he had been put in prison by [the] Athenians on the grounds that he was trying to introduce a novel belief about god. [It is said] that Anaxagoras at Olympia, during a dry period, came to the stadium in a sheepskin; it is said that he did this to forecast rain.[2] And he foretold very many other things. This man, who came from Clazomenae, gave over his property to both cattle and camels. Apollonius of Tyana said of him that he was more a philosopher for beasts than for human beings.[3] Crates of Thebes[4] threw his property into the sea, doing something of no advantage either to beasts or to human beings.
Greek Original:
*)anacago/ras, sofisth\s, *(hghsibou/lou ui(o\s, *klazome/nios. *nou=s de\ e)pekalei=to, e)peidh\ u(/lhn kai\ nou=n pa/ntwn frouro\n ei)=pen. ou(=to/s e)stin o( to\n h(/lion ei)pw\n mu/dron dia/puron. toute/sti pu/rinon li/qon. e)/fuge de\ e)c *)aqhnw=n, *perikle/ous au)tw=| suneipo/ntos, kai\ e)lqw\n e)n *lamya/kw| e)kei=se katastre/fei to\n bi/on a)pokarterh/sas. e)ch/gage de\ tou= zh=n e(auto\n e)tw=n o#, dio/ti u(p' *)aqhnai/wn e)neblh/qh e)n desmwthri/w|, oi(=a/ tina kainh\n do/can tou= qeou= pareisfe/rwn. o(/ti *)anacago/ras *)olumpi/asin, o(po/te h(/kista u(/oi, proelqw\n u(po\ kw|di/w| e)s to\ sta/dion e)pi\ prorrh/sei o)/mbrou le/getai tou=to pepraxe/nai. kai\ a)/lla de\ plei=sta prole/gwn. ou(=tos, *klazome/nios w)\n, a)ge/lais te kai\ kamh/lois ta\ e(autou= a)nh=ke. peri\ tou/tou e)/fh *)apollw/nios o( *tuaneu\s proba/tois ma=llon h)\ a)nqrw/pois filosofh=sai. o( de\ *qhbai=os *kra/ths katepo/ntwse th\n ou)si/an, ou)/te proba/tois poih/sas e)pith/deion, ou)/te a)nqrw/pois.
See generally RE Anaxagoras (4); NP Anaxagoras; OCD4 Anaxagoras; DK 59; Diogenes Laertius 2.6-15.
[1] This first paragraph of the entry reproduces most of Harpocration (and Photius) s.v.; cf. nu 523.
[2] Apparently quoted loosely from Philostratus, Life of Apollonius 1.2.22-26. See also kappa 2216 and note 9 there.
[3] alpha 3420, Apollonius. See Philostratus, Life of Apollonius 1.2.13. Philostratus has, more plausibly, sheep or goats (melois) instead of camels (kamelois).
[4] kappa 2341, Crates.
Patricia Curd, Anaxagoras of Clazomenae. Fragments and Testimonia. A Text and Translation with Notes and Essays (Phoenix supplement 44: Toronto 2007)
Keywords: athletics; biography; chronology; clothing; economics; ethics; geography; law; philosophy; religion; science and technology; zoology
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 25 February 2000@16:07:35.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 4 October 2000@05:09:22.
Robert Dyer (Inserted x-ref as new n.2) on 25 November 2003@04:06:47.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 28 March 2006@08:49:12.
David Whitehead (added bibliographical item) on 12 May 2008@03:00:07.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 26 February 2012@05:27:26.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 30 July 2014@08:31:42.


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